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Capture Function in PowerShell Closure

It appears that PowerShell closures do not capture the definition of functions:

PS C:\> function x() { Write-Host 'original x' }
PS C:\> function x-caller-generator() { return { Write-host 'Calling x!'; x }.GetNewClosure() }
PS C:\> $y = x-caller-generator
PS C:\> & $y
Calling x!
original x
PS C:\> function x() { Write-Host 'new x' }
PS C:\> & $y
Calling x!
new x

Is there any way to capture the definition of a function?

What I'm actually experiencing is that I create a closure, but when my closure is executed, the function is out of scope somehow. (It's some strangeness the psake module for build scripting is doing.) Something like this:

PS C:\> function closure-maker () {
>>     function x() { Write-Host 'x!' }
>>     return { Write-host 'Calling x'; x }.GetNewClosure()
>> }
PS C:\> $y = closure-maker
PS C:\> & $y
Calling x
The term 'x' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:3 char:39
+     return { Write-host 'Calling x'; x <<<<  }.GetNewClosure()
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (x:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Note: Using PowerShell 2.0, but interested in 3.0 answers if there's something new.

like image 770
jpmc26 Avatar asked May 25 '13 02:05


People also ask

How to execute functions in PowerShell?

A function in PowerShell is declared with the function keyword followed by the function name and then an open and closing curly brace. The code that the function will execute is contained within those curly braces. The function shown is a simple example that returns the version of PowerShell.

How to define a function in PowerShell?

To define a function, you use the function keyword, followed by a descriptive, user-defined name, followed by a set of curly braces. Inside the curly braces is a scriptblock that you want PowerShell to execute. Below you can see a basic function and executing that function.

1 Answers

Well, I found something that works for simple functions at least. We can use Get-Item to get an object describing the function and then pull the original script off that. Like this:

function x-caller-generator() {
    $xFunc = [ScriptBlock]::Create((Get-Item function:x).Definition)
    return { Write-host 'Calling x!'; & $xFunc }.GetNewClosure()

If the function is never redefined (like in my example where my function is out of scope), we can avoid pulling off the definition and just use the function object directly:

function closure-maker () {
    function x() { Write-Host 'x!' }

    $xFunc = Get-Item function:x
    return { Write-host 'Calling x'; & $xFunc }.GetNewClosure()

This second method will not work if the function is redefined (at least in the same scope as the original function) before the closure is executed. The object is apparently dynamic; it tracks the current definition.

I seriously doubt this would work with a function that references other user defined functions that could also be out of scope, but my use case didn't require that.

Sample output:

Creating script block

PS C:\> function x() { Write-Host 'original x' }
PS C:\> function x-caller-generator() { $xFunc = [ScriptBlock]::Create((Get-Item function:x).Definition); return { Write-host 'Calling x!'; & $xFunc }.GetNewClosure() }
PS C:\> $y = x-caller-generator
PS C:\> & $y
Calling x!
original x
PS C:\> function x() { Write-Host 'new x' }
PS C:\> & $y
Calling x!
original x

Using function object

PS C:\> function closure-maker () {
>>     function x() { Write-Host 'x!' }
>>     $xFunc = Get-Item function:x
>>     return { Write-host 'Calling x'; & $xFunc }.GetNewClosure()
>> }
PS C:\> $y = closure-maker
PS C:\> & $y
Calling x

Trying to use object with first example does not work:

PS C:\> function x() { Write-Host 'original x' }
PS C:\> function x-caller-generator() { $xFunc = Get-Item function:x; return { Write-host 'Calling x!'; & $xFunc }.GetNewClosure() }
PS C:\> $y = x-caller-generator
PS C:\> & $y
Calling x!
original x
PS C:\> function x() { Write-Host 'new x' }
PS C:\> & $y
Calling x!
new x
like image 163
jpmc26 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10
