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Can't stop WEBrick 1.3.1 with ctrl-c on Ubuntu 11.04

I'm using RVM, Ruby 1.9.2, and Rails 3.0.7

A standard kill of the process from another terminal doesn't work, either, but kill -9 does, of course.

I found a similar question, CTRL+C to Webbrick server ignored, but it's unclear whether that question is describing the same underlying issue. Also, the resolution doesn't seem to apply, since I'm not using :git in my Gemfile.

update 1: (old now... see update 2, below, for the real scoop)

I managed to narrow the issue down to a single gem. If you source the following test script, you can see the issue, too (assuming you're on Ubuntu 11.04... there was no issue in 10.04)

rm -rf tmpkilltest  rvm 1.9.2 rvm --force gemset delete tmpkilltest rvm gemset create tmpkilltest rvm 1.9.2@tmpkilltest  gem install rails -v=3.0.7 --no-rdoc --no-ri gem install sqlite3 -v=1.3.3 --no-rdoc --no-ri  rails new tmpkilltest  cd tmpkilltest  echo "gem 'barista', '1.0'" >> Gemfile  bundle  rails s 

The fact that the issue is caused by Rails' interaction with a gem leads me to now believe that this question actually is related to CTRL+C to Webbrick server ignored, though the test case above shows that this one is clearly not caused by using :git for a gem.

update 2:

In update 1 I mentioned that I narrowed it down to a gem. When I went through that gem, I eventually found the real culprit. The gem was making a single system call. I've made a very minor modification to the test script where I no longer load the barista gem, but rather I simply append a single system call at the end of the application.rb. With that system call, ctrl-c doesn't work. Remove the system call and it does work.

rm -rf tmpkilltest  rvm 1.9.2 rvm --force gemset delete tmpkilltest rvm gemset create tmpkilltest rvm 1.9.2@tmpkilltest  gem install rails -v=3.0.7 --no-rdoc --no-ri gem install sqlite3 -v=1.3.3 --no-rdoc --no-ri  rails new tmpkilltest  cd tmpkilltest  bundle  echo "\`date\`" >> config/application.rb  rails s 

This could explain the seeming similarity between this question and CTRL+C to Webbrick server ignored. My hunch is that the gem they mention also makes a system call.

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Gordon McCreight Avatar asked May 05 '11 01:05

Gordon McCreight

2 Answers

I'd rather comment than add an answer for this, but not enough rep.

I have the same issue and found that resuming (with fg) after typing ctrl-c then pausing (with ctrl-z, as offered above) does the trick.

So the recipe is:

  1. ctrl-c (does nothing right away)
  2. ctrl-z (pauses WEBrick, goes back to shell)
  3. fg (resumes WEBrick, immediately follow through with SIGINT)

    lampadmin@lampadmin-DX4840:/var/www/rails/agences$ r s => Booting WEBrick => Rails 3.0.5 application starting in development on => Call with -d to detach => Ctrl-C to shutdown server [2011-05-14 14:25:36] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1 [2011-05-14 14:25:36] INFO  ruby 1.9.2 (2011-02-18) [x86_64-linux] [2011-05-14 14:25:36] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=2585 port=3000 

    ^C^Z (<-- ctrl-c, then ctrl-z)

    [1]+  Stopped                 rails s lampadmin@lampadmin-DX4840:/var/www/rails/agences$ fg rails s [2011-05-14 14:25:45] INFO  going to shutdown ... [2011-05-14 14:25:45] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start done. Exiting 
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StrangeElement Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09


I'm having a similar problem, have been using Ctrl+Z to pause the job, then kill -9 %1 to kill the first paused job. Roundabout way of killing it, but it works.

See this question on Superuser for more info: https://superuser.com/questions/243460/what-to-do-when-ctrl-c-cant-kill-a-process

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Jamie Penney Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09

Jamie Penney