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Can't see watch expression in Chrome dev tools with import module

I'm using webpack and babel and try using ES2015 module.

When I use the debug tool (chrome dev tools for Chrome v65), it seems impossible to watch an expression but with the mouse over the expression, the value is shown.

# url.js
export default {
    "dac": "",

On the other side :

# index.js
import urlEnv from "./url"

I added a breakpoint in this file. Interestingly, the source map is working and the line to put a breakpoint is well respected.

This is how the screen looks like when it arrives on it :

chrome dev tools

As you can see, the mouse over the expression shows that the urlEnv.dac is found. But on the Watch panel, urlEnv is not defined. On the console, the same thing happens.

Have you a solution or workaround for that?

What is worse, is when I try to debug on Android via remote debugging. On my Android 5.0 device, even the mouse can't display the expression's value.

My webpack.config.js looks like :

module.exports = {
  entry: "./src/index.js",
  output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, "www"),
    filename: "app.js"
  devtool: "inline-source-map",
like image 899
pom421 Avatar asked Apr 18 '18 15:04


People also ask

How do you add a watch to inspect element?

To add a variable to the watch list use the add icon to the right of the section heading. This will open an inline input where you provide the variable name to watch. Once it is filled in press your Enter key to add it to the list. The watcher will show you the current value of the variable as it is added.

How do you use the watch in dev tools?

You need to double click the variable name, then right click will reveal the add to watch option.

How do I see variable values in Chrome console?

To view any variable in chrome, go to "Sources", and then "Watch" and add it. If you add the "window" variable here then you can expand it and explore.

Which command is used for display current expression in Inspect Element in Chrome?

F12, or Ctrl + Shift + I to open the Developer Tools. Ctrl + Shift + J to open the Developer Tools and bring focus to the Console. Ctrl + Shift + C to open the Developer Tools in Inspect Element mode, or toggle Inspect Element mode if the Developer Tools are already open.

1 Answers

After a bit more analysis, I had idea to see how the ES5 code was generated by Babel.

So the original line in the sourcemap index.js file where I wanted to put a breakpoint is :

console.log("urlEnv", urlEnv.dac)

In my bundle, named app.js, the corresponding line is :

console.log("urlEnv", _url2.default.dac);

Surprinsingly, the transpiled replaces the urlEnv variable with _url2.default. I don't know if this behavior is due to Webpack or Babel, but indeed, we have this declaration :

var _url = __webpack_require__(/*! ./url */ "./src/url.js");

var _url2 = _interopRequireDefault(_url);

So if I type _url2.default.dac in the Watch expression panel or in the console of Chrome, then I see the value's variable.

So this is a limit of Chrome which can't match the name of the variable in the source map and the real name in the transpiled code.

To be complete, I notice that if we use an named import instead of a default one, like this :

# index.js
import { urlEnv } from "./url"

# url.js
export const urlEnv = {
"dac": ""

Then the way it is transpiled is :

console.log("urlEnv", _url.urlEnv.dac);
like image 188
pom421 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10
