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Can't see Safari developer Timeline's Memory Instrument

I am trying to analyze web app memory usage in a Safari browser. I read in several sites that Safari's Web Inspector Timeline can be used to analyze web app memory, but I don't see a Memory option. Here's what I see:

enter image description here

Here are the sites that say I should also have a Memory element:



I'm looking for a way to 'turn on' the Memory element. Or perhaps it is no longer available? I'd appreciate any pointers. Thanks!

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Josh Britton Avatar asked Jan 26 '18 16:01

Josh Britton

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1 Answers

  1. Go to the timelines Tab
  2. Go to the left bar (with all the timeline options)
  3. Click the 'edit' button to the top right of that bar
  4. Click the Memory checkbox to enable it.
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user2993497 Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 12:10
