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Can't scroll to the bottom of a long Static TableViewController in XCode 5 Interface Builder to edit the cells below the fold

in XCode 5 Interface Builder, when I select a Static TableViewController that has a lot of rows in it, I can get it to go below the fold for a cell and half but the scrolling stops there. What's the trick to go all the way down to the bottom to edit/design the bottom static cells that are below the fold in interface builder?

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SilentNot Avatar asked Sep 23 '13 16:09


1 Answers

Try to uncheck the options "Under Top Bars" and "Under Bottom Bars" of Attributes Inspector / View Controller / Extend Edges. I can scroll into the others sections.

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Luciano Damasceno Rodrigues Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 21:10

Luciano Damasceno Rodrigues