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Can't read root





So I'm using SharpSVN(SharpSvn.1.7-x86 1.7008.2243) and I keep running into a problem. Every time I try to use the SvnWorkingCopyClient on a repo that's at the root of a drive( for example say I have the D:\ drive, and it itself is a repo) it throws a svn_dirent_is_absolute error at me.

In fact the only command I could find that didn't care was SvnClient.GetUriFromWorkingCopy(string)

Any Ideas on how I could resolve this(aside from moving my working copy, or linking on the filesystem)? I'm hoping to find a way in code, or an alternative to work around this limitation(as it appears that SVN 1.7 doesn't have this limitation anymore).

Here's some code?

private void fakeFunction(){
    var RootPath="d:\";
    using (var client = new SharpSvn.SvnClient())
    using(var workingClient = new SvnWorkingCopyClient())
        SvnWorkingCopyVersion workingVersion = null;
        // Exception happens here
        if (workingClient.GetVersion(this.RootPath, out workingVersion))
            CurrentRevision = workingVersion.End;
                // This will resolve just fine
            var targetUri = client.GetUriFromWorkingCopy(RootPath);
            var target = SvnTarget.FromUri(targetUri);
            SvnInfoEventArgs info = null;
            if (client.GetInfo(target, out info))
                if (workingVersion.End != info.Revision)
                    System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<SvnLogEventArgs> logEventArgs = null;
                    if (client.GetLog(targetUri, out logEventArgs))
                        var oldBack = Console.BackgroundColor;
                        var oldFor = Console.ForegroundColor;
                        Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta;
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                        foreach (var l in logEventArgs)
                            Console.WriteLine("[{0}-{1}]-{2}", l.Revision, l.Author, l.LogMessage);
                        Console.BackgroundColor = oldBack;
                        Console.ForegroundColor = oldFor;

                    System.Console.WriteLine("Repo not up to date.");

I also stumbled across this http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3535 and http://subversion.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=463&viewType=browseAll&dsMessageId=2456472

So, since that happened way back when, shouldn't this not be an issue anymore?

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Kelly Elton Avatar asked Oct 22 '22 18:10

Kelly Elton

2 Answers

A kludge is to ".." your way up to the root from your current directory:

[pwd = C:\USERS\franklin\absrel]
root = ..\..\..
like image 107
Mark Leighton Fisher Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 02:10

Mark Leighton Fisher

SharSVN has issue with root paths as we can read in mail-archives. However we can made small hack for your occasion:

  1. Download full package sharpsvn http://sharpsvn.open.collab.net/files/documents/180/5569/SSvnEx-1.7002.1998.zip
  2. Copy svnversion.exe to your bin directory
  3. Then we need a hack method to get verison

        public static bool GetVersionHack(string appPath,string targetPath,out long version)
           // <param name="appPath">Path to svnversion.exe</param>
           // <param name="path">Target path</param>
           // <param name="version">Result version</param>
            Process p = new Process();               
            p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            p.StartInfo.FileName = appPath;
            p.StartInfo.Arguments = targetPath + " -n";
            //read svnversion.exe result
            string output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
            output = output.Replace("M", "");
            output = output.Replace("S", "");
            output = output.Replace("P", "");
            //valid results
            //4123:4168     mixed revision working copy
            //4168M         modified working copy
            //4123S         switched working copy
            //4123P         partial working copy, from a sparse checkout
            //4123:4168MS   mixed revision, modified, switched working copy            
            return long.TryParse(output, out version);
  4. And modify your fake method full source code

Sure its a dirty work around but it can be helpful. Please be careful with svnversion.exe results GetVersionHack not ideal.

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Sanja Melnichuk Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 03:10

Sanja Melnichuk