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Cant pull/push git from Android studio 4.0 canary




Each time I attempt to pull a repo from bit bucket, I keep getting the error

 Failed to start Git process User Authentication Token not found

I have tried resetting the windows credential, uninstalling and reinstalling both git and Android Studio, as I think there is a compatibility issue with Android studio 4.0 and my pc which uses windows 10.

Any ideas?

like image 638
Stevvxn Avatar asked Dec 06 '19 14:12


2 Answers

The following helped me:

  1. From the directory of the previous version C:\Users\(Your user)\.AndroidStudio3.(version)\config(I checked on 3.5 and 3.6 versions) copy the user.token file.
  2. Paste it into C:\Users\(Your user)\.AndroidStudioPreview4.0\config
  3. Launch any git operation requiring authorization (push/pull), in the window that appears, enter your authorization data.
like image 158
Evgeny Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 21:11


Here's the workaround from Google's issue.

  1. Close the IDE.
  2. Remove settings for Android Studio 4.0 or copy them somewhere else.
  3. Install 3.6 RC 1.
  4. Run it and perform any Git operation in the IDE.
  5. Close 3.6 and open 4.0 again importing settings from the previous version.
like image 6
artspb Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 23:11
