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Can't open app on Simulator MacOS Catalina

I can't install app on my simulator after update to MacOS Catalina, it was fine on earlier versions. But Now when I try to run the app installed in the simulator I get this popup. enter image description here

I have changed system Security & Privacy setting using this command in the terminal sudo spctl --master-disable and now my it looks like this. enter image description here

But even after this I can't run the app, any idea, suggestion ? My Xcode version is 11.1 & target iOS version is 13.1, app runs smoothly when ran using xcode, but exported app is causing this issue.

like image 659
Zubair Avatar asked Oct 09 '19 10:10


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Just type this command in Terminal: open -a Simulator. app to launch the most recent simulator.

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To launch a Simulator without running an appChoose Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Simulator. Control-click the Xcode icon in the Dock, and from the shortcut menu, choose Open Developer Tool > Simulator.

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Install Apps on SimulatorsGo to Apps > Install Application. Find and open the app you want to install from your Mac. The app appears in the list of installed apps on the right side of the iOS Gateway window.

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To delete individual, available, simulators it's easier to do so through Xcode. Go to Window > Devices and simulators, then select the Simulators tab. You can right-click on any simulator and select 'delete' to get rid of it.

1 Answers

I was able to solve this problem by running the following command.

xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine <path_to_app>

It turns out if you download app using some browser then it adds a flag which is considered a security threat in catalina, running this commands solves the issue.

like image 88
Zubair Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09
