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Can't locate XML/Simple.pm in @INC after install




When I run my perl script, I keep getting this error: Can't locate XML/Simple.pm in @INC after install

I have installed a bunch of modules, including Bundle::CPANxxl with CPAN.

The first time I ran/installed CPAN, I executed it as root:

$ sudo cpan

Then again:

$ sudo cpan
cpan> install Bundle::CPANxxl
cpan> install Xml::Simple

When I run my Perl script, I still get the Can't locate XML/Simple.pm in @INC... error in Apache "error.log"

I have run the following with and without root:

cpan> install XML::Simple
cpan> upgrade
cpan> realod cpa

Why am I getting this error all the time, even though I have installed the module several times? Please can I have some advice on this issue?

like image 595
Chubeez Avatar asked Aug 05 '14 20:08


1 Answers


$ cpan install XML::Simple

work for me , maybe its because lowcase caracter : Xml and not XML

like image 71
ron Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09
