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Can't get message from MessageSource outside Controller




Everything works fine when I try to get messages in a @Controller class, but when I try to achieve the same in a @Service or @Component class I receive the following error:

No message found under code 'email.ativacao.title' for locale 'pt_BR'.

My Controller:

public class TestController {

    TestService service;

    TestComponent component;

    private MessageSource message;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/send", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String go() {

            String message = message.getMessage
                   ("email.ativacao.title", null, new Locale("pt", "BR"));



            return "signsucess";


My Service:

public class TestService {

    private MessageSource message;

    public void getMessage() {
        String message = message.
            getMessage("email.ativacao.title", null, new Locale("pt", "BR"));


My Component:

public class TestComponent {

    private MessageSource message;

    public void getMessage() {
        String message = message.
            getMessage("email.ativacao.title", null, new Locale("pt", "BR"));


My config:

<!-- i18n -->
    <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.
                LocaleChangeInterceptor" p:paramName="lang"/>

<!-- Mesage Source Config -->       
<bean id="messageSource"
        ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource" p:fallbackToSystemLocale="true" >
    <property name="basename" value="WEB-INF/i18n/messages" />

<!-- Mapeia o cookie que irá salvar as opções de idioma -->
<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.CookieLocaleResolver"
    id="localeResolver" p:cookieName="locale"/>

MessageSource is not null on both @Service and @Component, but they're not able to get the message (Exception above). My properties:


  • messages_pt_BR
  • messages_en_US

I really can't find the problem. Any suggestion to solve this? Thanks.

like image 506
raonirenosto Avatar asked Jan 31 '13 13:01


1 Answers

From what you were describing, I guess controller bean and messageSource were declared in same context. so then can find each other.

if your service bean and controller bean are not declared in same context, your service cannot find the messageSource.

same context doesn't mean same file. your one.xml could include two.xml.

anyway, if it worked for you, it's good.

like image 65
Kent Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 10:11
