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Can't get LWJGL to run using IDEA and SBT

I've been scratching myself in the head for a little over an hour with this, nothing on Google seems to be able to give me a decisive answer.

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.3 with the scala and sbt plugins, Scala 2.11.1, and SBT 0.13

Thinking I was clever I added the Maven repository for LWJGL to my build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "org.lwjgl.lwjgl" % "lwjgl" % "2.9.1"

Only to later find out that I need to [point the compiler to the LWJGL natives].

Now here's the problem: Asking SBT to download libraries, doesn't put them in any of the project's directories, making the pointing to the libraries a tad difficult.

I tried using the [sbt-lwjgl-plugin] without any luck, even forcing an earlier version of SBT like the documentation suggests.

So I'm finding myself at an impasse, what am I supposed to do? Manually download the library and dump it into the project directories? Or is there a more automatic way for me to deal with this?

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Electric Coffee Avatar asked Jun 14 '14 17:06

Electric Coffee

2 Answers

You can include LWJGL (with natives) by simply adding the following snippet to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies ++= {
  val version = "3.1.6"
  val os = "windows" // TODO: Change to "linux" or "macos" if necessary

    // TODO: Add more modules here
  ).flatMap {
    module => {
        "org.lwjgl" % module % version,
        "org.lwjgl" % module % version classifier s"natives-$os"

The classifier function sadly is very undocumented so it took me some time to find this out.

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Markus Appel Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09

Markus Appel

I know this is quite a bit old, but I thought this might help others who come across this problem. What I did myself was download the jar file from the site, extract the natives from the jar and add them to my resources directory. As for lwjgl I added it to my sbt project as you have. During runtime, I extracted the natives from the jar and loaded the native libraries using


then set the natives directory for lwjgl using

System.setProperty("org.lwjgl.librarypath", <natives-path>)

Also, as for extracting the natives from your jar file during runtime, you could do something like this

val source = Channels.newChannel(

val fileOut = new File(<desination directory>, "<native path in jar>")
val dest = new FileOutputStream(fileOut)
dest.getChannel.transferFrom(source, 0, Long.MaxValue)
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Mnenmenth Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09
