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can't find /var/mobile/applications directory for ios documents


I'm trying to run a release build on my iPad device connected to xcode for debugging. I'm not certain but guessing that when I do this the documents directory ends up somewhere on my local machine and not on the iPad (as when I run it without xcode). I get an output like this for the directory:


but I can't access that directory. Going to /var does not reveal any 'mobile' subdir. This seems different from when I run the iPad unconnected and end up with files viewable on the device through Organizer within xcode (making me conclude that it saves them locally in this mysterious dir when run connected to xcode).

Can someone help me access this mystery directory?

like image 906
Joey Avatar asked Jan 26 '12 05:01


1 Answers

For "xcode 6":

  1. Connect your device with your MAC (You can sure about that having a look into the simulator list, it should be there)
  2. Now open xcode and go to "Windows" from upper menu
  3. Go to "Devices" from drop down list
  4. Now this window will pop up. Your app should be there in the "Installed Apps" section. Like the picture below. Double click on it.

    enter image description here

  5. Here you can see the "Documents" folder and the photos you saved earlier. You can't delete photo from this list. Because this is the iPhone device section, you accessing through the xcode.

    enter image description here

  6. If you want to delete the photos, you have to delete the whole project. To do that, scroll down below the screen and there should be a minus "-" button. After selecting your project just click on it. It will delete your photos as well as whole project.

    enter image description here

like image 183
Tulon Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 03:09
