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Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)




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Can't connect to local server through socket '/ tmp MySQL sock?

It means either the MySQL server is not installed/running, or the file mysql. sock doesn't exist in /var/lib/mysql/ . There are a couple of solutions for this error. Then try to connect again.

Can't connect to local MySQL server?

normally means that there is no MySQL server running on the system or that you are using an incorrect Unix socket file name or TCP/IP port number when trying to connect to the server. You should also check that the TCP/IP port you are using has not been blocked by a firewall or port blocking service.

Where is TMP MySQL sock?

sock is inside /tmp/? I think usually this is located in /home/mysql or under the data directory (/var/lib/mysql/). You may as well check if it is still available there.

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket Ubuntu?

To fix the MySQL socket issue and access denied error for root@localhost , follow the below steps. Stop the MySQL server by executing the command “ sudo service mysql stop “. Create socket location as a placeholder by executing the command “ sudo mkdir -p /var/run/mysqld “.

Try to start the MySQL server:

mysql.server start

I got the same question after updating OS X Yosemite, well the solution is quite simple, check system preference -> mysql, the status was STOP. Just restart it and it works fine on my mac now.


ln -s /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock /tmp/mysql.sock

From https://coderwall.com/p/w5kwzw/solved-can-t-connect-to-local-mysql-server-through-socket-tmp-mysql-sock

UPDATE: Every time my computer restarts I have to enter this command, so I created a shortcut.

Do the following in terminal type:

~: vi ~/.profile


alias ...='source ~/.profile'
alias sockit='sudo ln -s /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock /tmp/mysql.sock'


In terminal type:

~: ... to source the .profile config.

Now in terminal you can just type

~: sockit

Following command resolved my issue:

sudo chown -R _mysql:mysql /usr/local/var/mysql

sudo mysql.server start

After trying all solutions it worked only for me after specifying the host

mysql -u root -p -h127.0.0.1

when asking for password

Enter password:

press enter

and it will work , if everything is ok as above .