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"can't connect to any url" and "authentication not supported"




I have a Git repo and project on Eclipse. I am trying to share project on github. But i always get this error:

 Can't connect to any URI:
 (https://github.com/<username>/<repositoryname>.git: authentication
 not supported)

I have tried the solutions of people who have encountered this problem but nothing has changed. In my opinion, my git password is not going and I can not write my password when I use the console. I am beginner. I want to understand why happened and how can i fix?

like image 324
Nea Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 09:11


1 Answers

That could be linked to your version of Eclipse/EGit, because of "Discontinue support for weak cryptographic standards".

Try again with the latest version of Eclipse/EGit, to make sure it does not use TLSv1.0 which has been disabled on GitHub side.

like image 184
VonC Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 02:11
