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Can't cancel executing operations in OperationQueue swift

Im doing some lengthy calculations to create chart data on a background thread

i was originally use GCD, but every time a user filters the chart data by hitting a button, the chart data needs to be recalculated, if the user clicks the chart data filtering buttons very quickly (power user) then the chart loops through each drawing as each GCD dispatch async finishes

I realize that I can't cancel threads with GCD so I've moved to trying to implement an OperationQueue

I call cancelAllOperations() before adding a new operation to the queue

The operations on the queue act funky, sometimes it seems like they are cancelled, some times it seems like the one that finished is not the most recent one put on the queue.

I am also having trouble cancelling a executing operation as the operation's .isCancelled property is never true when i check for it in the operations completion block

What i really want is if the chart data calculation is currently happening in a background thread, and a user clicks another filter button and kicks off another chart calculation on a background thread, the previous chart background thread calculation is terminated and "replaced" with the most recently added operation

is this possible? here is some code:

func setHistoricalChart() -> Void {
    self.lineChartView.noDataText = "Calculating Historical Totals, Please Wait..."

    self.historicalOperationsQueue.qualityOfService = .utility
    self.historicalOperationsQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
    self.historicalOperationsQueue.name = "historical operations queue"

    let historicalOperation = Operation()
    historicalOperation.completionBlock = { [weak self] in
        //dictionary of feeds, array of data for each feed
        var valuesByFeed = [String:[String]?]()
        var dates = [String:[String]?]()
        var chartDataSets = [IChartDataSet]()

        //get data and values from DataMOs in the activeFeeds
        if (self?.activeFeeds.count)! > 0 {
            //check if operation is cancelled
            if historicalOperation.isCancelled {
            for (key, feed) in (self?.activeFeeds)! {
                dates[key] = feed?.datas?.flatMap({ Utils.formatUTCDateString(utcDateString: ($0 as! DataMO).utcDateString) })
                valuesByFeed[key] = feed?.datas?
                    .sorted(by: { (($0 as! DataMO).utcDateString)! < (($1 as! DataMO).utcDateString)! })
                    .flatMap({ ($0 as! DataMO).value })

            //Create Chart Data
            for (key, valuesArray) in valuesByFeed {
                var dataEntries = [ChartDataEntry]()
                for (index, value) in (valuesArray?.enumerated())! {
                    let dataEntry = ChartDataEntry(x: Double(index), y: Double(value)!)
                let singleChartDataSet = LineChartDataSet(values: dataEntries, label: key)
                singleChartDataSet.drawCirclesEnabled = false
                switch key {
                case "Solar":
                    singleChartDataSet.setColors(UIColor(red: 230/255, green: 168/255, blue: 46/255, alpha: 1))
                    singleChartDataSet.drawFilledEnabled = true
                    singleChartDataSet.fillColor = UIColor(red: 230/255, green: 168/255, blue: 46/255, alpha: 0.8)
                case "Wind":
                    singleChartDataSet.setColors(UIColor(red: 73/255, green: 144/255, blue: 226/255, alpha: 1))
                    singleChartDataSet.drawFilledEnabled = true
                    singleChartDataSet.fillColor = UIColor(red: 73/255, green: 144/255, blue: 226/255, alpha: 0.8)
                case "Battery":
                    singleChartDataSet.setColors(UIColor(red: 126/255, green: 211/255, blue: 33/255, alpha: 1))
                    singleChartDataSet.drawFilledEnabled = true
                    singleChartDataSet.fillColor = UIColor(red: 126/255, green: 211/255, blue: 33/255, alpha: 0.8)
                case "Gen":
                    singleChartDataSet.setColors(UIColor(red: 208/255, green: 1/255, blue: 27/255, alpha: 1))
                    singleChartDataSet.drawFilledEnabled = true
                    singleChartDataSet.fillColor = UIColor(red: 208/255, green: 1/255, blue: 27/255, alpha: 0.8)
                case "Demand":
                    singleChartDataSet.setColors(UIColor(red: 128/255, green: 133/255, blue: 233/255, alpha: 1))
                    singleChartDataSet.drawFilledEnabled = true
                    singleChartDataSet.fillColor = UIColor(red: 128/255, green: 133/255, blue: 233/255, alpha: 0.8)
                case "Prod":
                    singleChartDataSet.setColors(UIColor(red: 241/255, green: 92/255, blue: 128/255, alpha: 1))
                    singleChartDataSet.drawFilledEnabled = true
                    singleChartDataSet.fillColor = UIColor(red: 241/255, green: 92/255, blue: 128/255, alpha: 0.8)

        //check if operation is cancelled
        if historicalOperation.isCancelled {

        //set chart data
        let chartData = LineChartData(dataSets: chartDataSets)

        //update UI on MainThread
            if (self?.activeFeeds.count)! > 0 {
                self?.lineChartView.data = chartData
            } else {
                self?.lineChartView.noDataText = "No Feeds To Show"

enter image description here

like image 344
Derek Hannah Avatar asked Jul 28 '17 20:07

Derek Hannah

People also ask

How do you cancel an operation in Swift?

you can call op2. cancel() to cancel the operation, but you need to take additional steps to really stop your operation from running as cancel() only set the isCanceled property to true. The default value of this property is false. Calling the cancel() method of this object sets the value of this property to true.

How do you stop OperationQueue?

The interface to cancel an operation is quite simple. If you just want to cancel a specific Operation , then you can call the cancel method. If, on the other hand, you wish to cancel all operations that are in an operation queue, then you should call the cancelAllOperations method defined on OperationQueue .

How do I pause an operation queue in Swift?

suspend() when you send the operation, and have the code that gets the response call . resume() . Then wherever you want to wait for the response before continuing, just put a dummy queue. sync({ print("done waiting")}) and it will automatically wait until .

What is OperationQueue in Swift?

An operation queue invokes its queued Operation objects based on their priority and readiness. After you add an operation to a queue, it remains in the queue until the operation finishes its task. You can't directly remove an operation from a queue after you add it. Note.

1 Answers

I realize that I can't cancel threads with GCD ...

Just as an aside, that's not entirely true. You can cancel DispatchWorkItem items dispatched to a GCD queue:

var item: DispatchWorkItem!
item = DispatchWorkItem {

    while notYetDone() {
        if item.isCancelled {



let queue = DispatchQueue(label: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier! + ".customQueue")

queue.async(execute: item)

// just to prove it's cancelable, let's cancel it one second later

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {

Admittedly, you have to cancel individual DispatchWorkItem instances, but it does work.

... so I've moved to trying to implement an OperationQueue

Unfortunately, this has not been implemented correctly. In short, the code in your question is creating an operation that does nothing in the body of the operation itself, but instead has all of the computationally intensive code in its completion handler. But this completion handler is only called after the operation is “completed”. And completed operations (ie., those already running their completion handlers) cannot be canceled. Thus, the operation will ignore attempts to cancel these ongoing, time-consuming completion handler blocks.

Instead, create an block operation, and add your logic as a "execution block", not a completion handler. Then cancelation works as expected:

let operation = BlockOperation()
operation.addExecutionBlock {

    while notYetDone() {
        if operation.isCancelled {



let queue = OperationQueue()
queue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1


// just to prove it's cancelable, let's cancel it

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {

Or, perhaps even better, create an Operation subclass that does this work. One of the advantages of Operation and OperationQueue has that you can disentangle the complicated operation code from the view controller code.

For example:

class ChartOperation: Operation {

    var feeds: [Feed]
    private var chartOperationCompletion: (([IChartDataSet]?) -> Void)?

    init(feeds: [Feed], completion: (([IChartDataSet]?) -> Void)? = nil) {
        self.feeds = feeds
        self.chartOperationCompletion = completion

    override func main() {
        let results = [IChartDataSet]()

        while notYetDone() {
            if isCancelled {
                OperationQueue.main.addOperation {
                    self.chartOperationCompletion = nil


        OperationQueue.main.addOperation {
            self.chartOperationCompletion = nil


I didn't know what your activeFeeds was, so I declared it as an array of Feed, but adjust as you see fit. But it illustrates the idea for synchronous operations: Just subclass Operation and add a main method. If you want to pass data to the operation, add that as a parameter to the init method. If you want to pass data back, add a closure parameter which will be called when the operation is done. Note, I prefer this to relying on the built-in completionHandler because that doesn't offer the opportunity to supply parameters to be passed to the closure like the above custom completion handler does.

Anyway, your view controller can do something like:

let operation = ChartOperation(feeds: activeFeeds) { results in
    // update UI here


And this, like the examples above, is cancelable.

By the way, while I show how to ensure the operation is cancelable, you may also want to make sure you're checking isCancelled inside your various for loops (or perhaps just at the most deeply nested for loop). As it is, you're checking isCancelled early in the process, and if you don't check it later, it will ignore subsequent cancelations. Dispatch and operation queues do not perform preemptive cancelations, so you have to insert your isCancelled checks at whatever points you'd like cancelations to be recognized.

like image 82
Rob Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09
