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Can't backup GAE application datastore to GS bucket

I'm trying to backup GAE datastore to GS bucket as described here: https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/adminconsole/datastoreadmin#Backup_And_Restore. I've tried to supply bucket name in forms:


but non of it work. Every time I get a message:

There was a problem kicking some off the jobs/tasks:
Invalid bucket name: 'bucket'

What am I doing wrong? Is it possible at all to backup all data (including blob files) to GS without writing custom code for this?

like image 652
tuxSlayer Avatar asked Dec 26 '12 10:12


2 Answers

I got it to work by adding the service account e-mail as a privileged user with write permission.

Here's what I did:

  1. Create bucket via web interface (STORAGE>CLOUD STORAGE>Storage Browser > New Bucket)
  2. Add [email protected] as a privileged user with edit permission (Permissions>Add Member)

Even thought it was part of the same project, for some reason I still had to add the project e-mail as a privileged user.

like image 70
Andrew Dyster Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 07:11

Andrew Dyster

I suspect the bucket does not exist or else app engine does not have permission to write to the bucket.

Make sure the following are true:

  1. You have created BUCKET. Use something like gsutil to create the bucket if necessary.
    • gsutil mb gs://BUCKET
  2. Make sure your app engine service account has WRITE access to BUCKET.
    • The service account is of the form APP_NAME@appspot.gserviceaccount.com.
    • Add the service account to your project team with can edit access.
    • Alternatively you can change the bucket acl and the service account there. This option is more complicated.
  3. Now start the backup using the form /gs/BUCKET

If you get an Bucket "/gs/BUCKET" is not accessible message then your bucket does not exist, or [email protected] does not have access to your bucket.

NOTE: the form is /gs/BUCKET. The following are wrong: BUCKET, gs://BUCKET, gs/BUCKET etc.

Check that the bucket exists with the right permissions with following command:

gsutil getacl gs://BUCKET  # Note the URI form here instead of a path.

Look for an entry like the following:

  <Scope type="UserByEmail">
    <EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress>

If you don't see one you can add one in the following manner:

gsutil getacl gs://BUCKET > acl.xml
vim acl.xml  # Or your favorite editor
# Add the xml above
gsutil setacl acl.xml gs://BUCKET

Now the steps above will work.

like image 35
fejta Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 05:11
