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Canon DSLR Video loop back using v4l2loopback and EDSDK Liveview?

I want to use my DSLR camera as video input for let say Skype / Google talk under Linux and Android.

Is it possible to create a video loop back using v4l2loopback and Canon EDSDK ? how can I pipe the liveview buffer from the camera to the video loop back ?


like image 889
Amit Avatar asked Jan 16 '23 15:01


1 Answers

As of October 2017, GStreamer has been updated to 1.0 and v4l2loopback has also received some updates.

As such, the old command posted by @Reinaert Albrecht doesn't work anymore, and the new command that works now is:

gphoto2 --stdout --capture-movie | gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc fd=0 ! decodebin name=dec ! queue ! videoconvert ! tee ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video0
  • decodebin2 has been replaced by decodebin
  • ffmpegcolorspace has been replaced by videoconvert
  • the tee filter has been added to account for a bug in the v4l2loopback driver (see: https://github.com/umlaeute/v4l2loopback/issues/83)
like image 151
Florian Segginger Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 17:02

Florian Segginger