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Cannot use exports as a type because exports is a value

I get this error when running flow check, but I'm not sure what it means.

Cannot use exports as a type because exports is a value. To get the type of a value use typeof.

The error location is 0:1 (at the @flow comment). Here's the code:

/* @flow */
import Chunk from '../models/Chunk'

export interface IChunkSorter {
  sort(chunks: Chunk[]): Chunk[];

Any ideas? I've googled for the error message but there's literally no results.

like image 343
damd Avatar asked Mar 27 '18 08:03


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1 Answers

The problem was in a completely different file where I was importing IChunkSorter incorrectly. I was using:

import type IChunkSorter from './IChunkSorter'

This fixed it:

import type { IChunkSorter } from './IChunkSorter'
like image 64
damd Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 11:10
