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cannot update identity column in Entity Framework Core


I've added a separate Identification to the AspNetUsers table called NumericId that will serve along with the GUID like ID that ASP has for default.

I've added the property as an additional property of the ApplicationUser class:

public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
    public virtual int NumericId { get; set; }

However, when I try to register, or update the user's details (that aren't even relevant to the numericId) I keep getting the error

SqlException: Cannot update identity column 'NumericId'.

which prevents any changes and in the end does not update the user (but it does register one, and Numeric Id is properly assigned on that part. But this is irrelevant)

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DethoRhyne Avatar asked Aug 26 '16 23:08


People also ask

How to update cannot update identity column?

You cannot update the value of the identity column in SQL Server using UPDATE statement. You can delete the existing column and re-insert it with a new identity value. The only way to remove the identity property for the column is by removing the identity column itself.

How do you set an explicit value to ID property in EF core?

ExecuteSqlCommand() method and set IDENTITY_INSERT ON. Then we called the SaveChanges() method. This will insert a new Student record where StudentId will be 100 in the database. Thus, you can set an explicit value to the id property manually.

2 Answers

Solution for asp.net core 3.1

modelBuilder.Entity<Type>().Property(u => u.Property).Metadata.SetAfterSaveBehavior(PropertySaveBehavior.Ignore);
like image 174
HO3EiN Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09


Per the discussion on GitHub surrounding this issue, for EF Core 2.0 we needed to use both lines suggested in other posts.

for Entity framework core 2.0 , The "IsReadOnlyAfterSave" property is deprecated. Use following:

builder.Property(p => p.Id)

builder.Property(p => p.Id)
    .Metadata.AfterSaveBehavior = PropertySaveBehavior.Ignore;
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jocull Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 21:09
