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Cannot SSH to Azure VM


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How do I SSH into an Azure instance?

To create a Linux VM that uses SSH keys for authentication, provide your SSH public key when creating the VM. Using the Azure CLI, you specify the path and filename for the public key using az vm create and the --ssh-key-value parameter. With PowerShell, use New-AzVM and add the SSH key to the VM configuration using`.

I have a Ubuntu VM on Azure (Resource Group, not the Classic VM) and it all worked out of the box. I recently tried to SSH into the VM using Putty and I could not.

I get the error: Network Error: Connection Timed out.

I have made sure that the port 22 is opened for SSH on the VM Inbound rules.

SSH Port 22 Allowed

I had this VM setup about 2 months ago for a side project and at that time I was able to SSH easily without any troubles. Now I can't. Am I missing something?

PS: The HTTP works fine. I have the website running on it and it shows up in the browser. Also, I tried using a browser-based SSH client and it was able to SSH into the VM.