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Cannot resolve import after Maven configuration





I have a web dynamic project on eclipse running on Tomcat. I need to add the dependency of the JWT library on Maven dependencies. So I configured my project to Maven, and the I added the dependency on the pom.xml.

Now eclipse doesn't resolve my dependency, for example if I import a package of JWT there is a red line that highlights my import.

But there is another problem: all the library that I imported like hibernate, apache-common (that I previously copied in WEB-Lib) that before worked, now are unresolved.

How may I face this problem? This is the first time using Maven, so if I'm wrong in something, please tell me.

Thanks in advice.

like image 935
whychange Avatar asked Sep 26 '22 01:09


1 Answers


This dependency worked for me

like image 123
harishhari302 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09
