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"Cannot read property 'load' of undefined"

I'm attempting to follow this documentation to integrate with Google sign in, though I'm running into this error in console:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'load' of undefined
        at script.js:1


window.gapi.load('auth2', function() {

I get the error about half of the time, and inspecting the network panel in Chrome, it only happens when the following resource is not loaded:


How can I eliminate this error?

If it's useful, here's my index.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Google Sign In Test</title>
        <meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="*****.apps.googleusercontent.com">
        <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js" async defer></script>
        <script src="script.js" async defer></script>
        <div class="g-signin2" data-onsuccess="onSignIn"></div>
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Bennett Avatar asked May 27 '17 04:05


2 Answers

Try adding an onload event to the script tag. So change your script tag to

<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js?onload=myFunc" async defer></script>

Then wrap your code in the callback function.

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thewolff Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09


Add onload param to the link, as in the docs: google sign in docs

If you do it in pure html/js, you can just add this excerpt into the head tag.

    <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js?onload=myFunc" async defer></script>
    function init() {
      gapi.load('auth2', function() { // Ready. });

If you want to load gapi inside a react app (for instance create-react-app) try to add this to a component:

loadGapiAndAfterwardsInitAuth() {
    const script = document.createElement("script");
    script.src = "https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js";
    script.async = true;
    script.defer = true;
    const meta = document.createElement("meta");

 initAuth() {
    window.gapi.load('auth2', function () {
        client_id: "%REACT_APP_GOOGLE_ID_OF_WEB_CLIENT%";
      }).then(googleAuth => {
        if (googleAuth) {
          if (googleAuth.isSignedIn.get()) {
            const googleUser = googleAuth.currentUser.get();
            // do something with the googleUser
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GA1 Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09