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Cannot read property 'addListener' of undefined react-testing-library

I'm trying to test my antd application with react testing library, but I keep getting this error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'addListener' of undefined

Im using a custom render but the error seems to be coming from the 'render' method.

const customRender = (ui, options) => render(ui, { wrapper: TestingWrapper, ...options }) ^

I´m even using the same versions of react and react-dom (which seems to be a common issue with rtl).

"react": "17.0.1", "react-dom": "17.0.1",

The problematic component seems to be this:

import React, {
} from 'react';

import List from 'antd/lib/list';
const Stories = (props) => {
  <div className="stories-container">

      <h1 className="StoriesTitle">Stories</h1>

    <div className="StoryListContainer">
     <Suspense fallback={<Spin />}>
          renderItem={item =>


It seems to error out in the module 'antd/lib/_util/responsiveObserve' which is a part of antd's List component. Taking that component out makes the test work (though obviously I don't want to remove it from my application).

like image 724
Demian Avatar asked Nov 12 '20 23:11


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1 Answers

Are you perhaps using defining window.matchMedia in your jest setupTest.js file? What fixed it for me is to move it from window.matchMedia to global.matchMedia like how they did it in this repo.

global.matchMedia = global.matchMedia || function () {
  return {
    addListener: jest.fn(),
    removeListener: jest.fn(),
like image 170
Albert Manuel Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09

Albert Manuel