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Cannot push to gitlab from xcode 7




One unhappy side effect of upgrading to Xcode 7 is that I can no longer push to my Gitlab repo. I have been pushing and pulling from my project without problem for the last two years, so I suspect Xcode 7 is doing something different. I have verified my u/p for Gitlab by logging into and out of it via the web interface. When I go to Xcode > Preferences > Accounts, select the gitlab project, I see that the username and password are in there (just like they have been for 2 years) and I verify that they are correct.

It is worth noting that I can successfully post from Terminal, however, I do not wish to use Terminal to push my code to Gitlab on a regular basis. Has anyone else encountered this problem since upgrading? Any suggestions as to a fix?

The specific error I am getting is "Authentication failed because the user name or password was incorrect." This error appears in the Accounts dialog, as well as after trying to perform a push to the gitlab repo.

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zeeple Avatar asked Sep 28 '15 02:09


2 Answers

So this one was quite a bear to wrestle, and to be honest, I am not sure what the root cause of this error was, but the way I resolved it was this:

  1. Removed my old ssh key from GitLab
  2. Created a new ssh key on the command line, then added it to GitLab
  3. Removed the GitLab repo from Xcode > Preferences > Accounts
  4. Re-added the GitLab account, using the SSH Keys Option (which it was before as well, this is not new)
  5. Closed Xcode
  6. Blew away the working directory of the project
  7. Opened Xcode, then chose Source Control > Checkout
  8. Provided the SSH address (which you can get from GitLab within your project folder)
  9. Made a minor change to the project for the purposes of testing the ability to Push
  10. Pushed to GitLab via Xcode Source Control > Push

Voila! Worked. This was definitely the nuclear option but it got me working again. I firmly believe that upgrading Xcode to 7 screwed something up. If anyone else has this problem I hope this resolves it!

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zeeple Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09


Same issue with xcode 7.

I managed to fix this issue by regenerating the RSA keys and updating them in Gitlab.

Edit: unfortunately this worked only 1 time

Edit2: After working one time "right out of the box" after changing the SSH keys, the second time I got the question for login credentials, the dialog where you can choose between username/password and SSH keys. Choosing SSH key then worked. After that the dialog didn't appear anymore.

So, to summarise:

  1. XCode push to Gitlab not working (asking for login credentials, SSH key not working)
  2. Regenerated SSH RSA key and added it to Gitlab (I removed the old one)
  3. Then pushing worked without dialog
  4. Next time xcode asked to login by either username/password of SSH keys
  5. Selecting SSH keys worked
  6. After that the login dialog didn't appear anymore
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Ruurd Adema Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09

Ruurd Adema