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Cannot push git to remote repository: (SSH error)

When I attempt to push to my heroku.com remote git repository, i get this message:

ssh: connect to host heroku.com port 22: Connection refused

I can easily work with my repository on github with the same ssh key.


$ssh git@github.com    #outputs: success message
$ssh git@heroku.com    #outputs: ssh: connect to host heroku.com port 22: Connection refused

I'm on Mac OS 10.6. And I'm very clueless slowly learning!


$telnet heroku.com 22

gives this output:

telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
like image 742
Matt H. Avatar asked Oct 29 '10 07:10

Matt H.

1 Answers

Connection refused is a TCP error message saying that that server isn't running a service on that port. In this case, perhaps heroku.com's SSH server wasn't running.

If you haven't given them your key, or you use the wrong private key, ssh will say something like this:

frank@roke$ ssh git@heroku.com
Permission denied (publickey).

frank@roke$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/roke-frank.priv git@heroku.com
Permission denied (publickey).

(And the above messages indicate that right now heroku's SSH server is indeed running.)

Since you're not able to connect to the same server to which I can, perhaps there's a firewall issue. Are you behind a NAT? Does your gateway permit connections to port 22 on remote machines?

That machine runs a web server too, so try telnet heroku.com 80 to see if you can connect to that machine at all.

like image 56
Frank Shearar Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09

Frank Shearar