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"cannot pull into a repository with state: merging_resolved"





After some pulling, merging and conflict resolving, my GIT is stuck. This is what I tried to do (with EGit) on the main project:

  • "Pull" returns "cannot pull into a repository with state: merging_resolved"
  • "Fetch from upstream" returns "No ref to fetch from GeniusWebSocket - origin - everything up to date."
  • "Merge" is greyed in the menu.
  • "Commit" returns "Commit/amend not possible...".
  • "Push to upstream" returns "rejected - non-fast-forward".
  • "Add to index" does nothing.

Near the project title, I see [Merged master up-arrow 1 down-arrow 1].

$ git status
# On branch master
# Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
# and have 1 and 1 different commit each, respectively.
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

How can I proceed?

like image 666
Erel Segal-Halevi Avatar asked Apr 29 '13 05:04

Erel Segal-Halevi

People also ask

Can not pull into repository with state merging?

The problem here is remote repository files have been changed(i.e. someone else have changed and pushed the file to the repository which you changed in your local copy) and now you also edited the same.So when you try to push the file it throws an error. You have to merge the file and then commit the changes and push.

Why is the merge tool disabled in eclipse for a EGIT managed project?

Make sure you have merged with desired branch, then if your merge results in conflicts, your project will enter Conflicts mode, and the Merge Tool will be enabled.

1 Answers

Since you have finished your merge, and if you don't have any pending changes, you can try a git reset --hard, and see if the issue persists. (See EGit reset your current HEAD)

Ankit Marothi suggests in the comments:

I resolved it by resetting it from egit, using Team->Reset and using mixed reset as the option.

like image 171
VonC Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09
