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Cannot Post To Facebook The post cannot be sent because the connection to Facebook failed in iOS6

At times, when I am trying to share using facebook, I get this error:

Cannot Post To Facebook The post cannot be sent because the connection to Facebook failed.

It doesn't allow me to send the post to facebook. At other times, it allows me to post. What might be the issue?

Need some help. Any idea


This is happening when I am posting the msg/text the second time. The first time, it is working fine.

It is giving me this error:

<Error>: CGImageCreate: invalid image size: 0 x 0.

But I am just posting a text, no image involved...

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lakshmen Avatar asked Nov 04 '22 07:11


1 Answers

I faced the same error when was trying to share text with url link, but url was to localhost. Looks like Facebook validates and prerender links when posting from external sources and fails if url is invalid for any reason. SLComposerViewController returned with ok status btw. So always check your share content to find problem.

If you are posting the same text second time, maybe Facebook goes on validating it also (like in Twitter) to prevent duplications. Though it worked for me now, so maybe Facebook changed something in that context since you posted this question.

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Ilya Puchka Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 02:11

Ilya Puchka