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Cannot parse server name for external Xdebug connection

I have a Docker container with xdebug in it, when I run the script I need to form the Docker container I receive from PhpStorm the following message:

Cannot parse server name for external Xdebug connection.
To fix it create environment variable PHP_IDE_CONFIG on the remote server.
Windows: set PHP_IDE_CONFIG="serverName=SomeName"
Linux / Mac OS X: export PHP_IDE_CONFIG="serverName=SomeName".

but I have already set those environment variables as you can see in the screenshot here:

enter image description here


Here is the xdebug section from my phpinfo(): enter image description here enter image description here

And these are my settings for PhpStorm:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Environment from phpinfo():

enter image description here

PHP Variables from phpinfo():

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

I also tried to export env variables with and without quotes but the result was the same...

With quotes:


Without quotes:


The result from ifconfig en1 inet command from my MacOS where I'm running Docker and PhpStorm

enter image description here

You can also check the following files in cases needed:

  • Dockerfile.development
  • docker-compose.yml
  • environment.development
  • php.ini

Any help will be much appreciated!


Seems that if I add

  XDEBUG_CONFIG: "remote_host="
  PHP_IDE_CONFIG: "serverName=docker-server"

into my php service located inside docker-compose.yml it solves the issue but leaves me with a big question.

Since I have:

  - ./etc/environment.yml
  - ./etc/environment.development.yml

and inside ./etc/environment.development.yml I have:


And since it is not ignored and I can see that those Env variables are set even before I add environment property into my php service, why xdebug is only triggered when I have set the environment property? It feels like duplication for me to have it in both places and I prefer to have it inside ./etc/environment.development.yml rather than docker-compose.yml.

like image 619
panosru Avatar asked May 03 '18 13:05


2 Answers

After some more digging,

I saw the following difference:

When I use env_file directive I had the following in my environment.development file:


which resulted in: enter image description here

Notice the double quotes around the value.

When I was removing env_file directive and put the following:

  XDEBUG_CONFIG: "remote_host="
  PHP_IDE_CONFIG: "serverName=docker-server"

Then I had this in phpinfo(): enter image description here

So in the end what I did was, I removed environment directive and put back the env_file directive and inside environment.development file I removed the double quotes around the value, so now it looks like that:


And now it works fine :)

I filled a bug report in PhpStorm youtrack.

like image 55
panosru Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10


I had the same issue with double quotes but in docker-compose. First version was wrong, removing double quotes solved it:

      - PHP_IDE_CONFIG="serverName=local"
      - PHP_IDE_CONFIG=serverName=local
like image 35
Alin Pop Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10

Alin Pop