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Cannot overload constructor in C++




I'm making a move-only equivalent of std::function. move_function contains a pointer to a base class, move_function_base which type erases the underlying functor type. move_function_imp inherits from move_function_base and holds the typed underlying functor. move_function_imp is defined like so:

template<class F, class ReturnType, class... ParamTypes>
class move_function_imp : public move_function_base<ReturnType, ParamTypes...> {

  typename std::remove_reference<F>::type f_;

  virtual ReturnType callFunc(ParamTypes&&... p) override {
    return f_(std::forward<ParamTypes>(p)...);
  explicit move_function_imp(const F& f) : f_(f) {}
  explicit move_function_imp(F&& f) : f_(std::move(f)) {}

  move_function_imp() = delete;
  move_function_imp(const move_function_imp&) = delete;
  move_function_imp& operator=(const move_function_imp&) = delete;

When I use this I get an error that the constructors cannot overload each other. What am I doing wrong? The full code is located here.

edit: error pasted from ideone link:

prog.cpp: In instantiation of class move_function_imp<main()::__lambda0&, void>’:
prog.cpp:39:30:   required from move_function<ReturnType(ParamTypes ...)>::move_function(F&&) [with F = main()::__lambda0&; ReturnType = void; ParamTypes = {}]’
prog.cpp:62:38:   required from here
prog.cpp:20:12: error: move_function_imp<F, ReturnType, ParamTypes>::move_function_imp(F&&) [with F = main()::__lambda0&; ReturnType = void; ParamTypes = {}]’ cannot be overloaded
   explicit move_function_imp(F&& f) : f_(std::move(f)) {}
prog.cpp:19:12: error: with move_function_imp<F, ReturnType, ParamTypes>::move_function_imp(const F&) [with F = main()::__lambda0&; ReturnType = void; ParamTypes = {}]’
   explicit move_function_imp(const F& f) : f_(f) {}
prog.cpp:19:12: error: move_function_imp<F, ReturnType, ParamTypes>::move_function_imp(const F&) [with F = main()::__lambda0&; ReturnType = void; ParamTypes = {}]’, declared using local type main()::__lambda0’, is used but never defined [-fpermissive]
like image 789
dschatz Avatar asked Nov 12 '22 23:11


1 Answers

It took a little toying around but I got this

Snippet for answer completeness.

template <class>
struct remove_reference_except_function {};

template <class R, class... Args>
struct remove_reference_except_function<R(&)(Args...)>
    typedef R(&type)(Args...);

template <class R, class... Args>
struct remove_reference_except_function<R(&)(Args......)> //varardic function
    typedef R(&type)(Args......);
//I dont think you can have an rvalue reference to a function? Or can you dereference a non-capturing lambda?
template <class T>
struct remove_reference_except_function<T &>
    typedef T type;

template <class T>
struct remove_reference_except_function<T &&>
    typedef T type;

template< class ReturnType, class... ParamTypes>
struct move_function_base{
  virtual ReturnType callFunc(ParamTypes... p) = 0;

template<class F, class ReturnType, class... ParamTypes>
class move_function_imp : public move_function_base<ReturnType, ParamTypes...> {

  //Using std::remove_reference on a normal function gives you an invalid type for declaring a variable. Hence the custom reference removal
  typename remove_reference_except_function<F>::type f_; 

  virtual ReturnType callFunc(ParamTypes... p) override {
    return f_(std::forward<ParamTypes>(p)...);
  explicit move_function_imp(const typename std::remove_reference<F>::type& f) : f_(f) {}
  explicit move_function_imp(typename std::remove_reference<F>::type&& f) : f_(std::move(f)) {}

  move_function_imp() = delete;
  move_function_imp(const move_function_imp&) = delete;
  move_function_imp& operator=(const move_function_imp&) = delete;

As people pointed out your main issue was the template parameters collapsing to the same type giving you the overload error, so I used the normal std::remove_reference to remedy that.

Also you had a rogue rvalue reference in the callFunc of move_function_imp.

I had to create a custom remove_reference for declaring f_ because if you removed the reference from a normally created function (ff in my example) you got a compile error.

Honestly I'm a little bug-eyed from working on it should anyone have corrections I'd be happy to hear them.

like image 149
Tocs Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
