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Cannot insert the OpenXmlElement "newChild" because it is part of a tree

The Title states the error I am getting. I'm trying to hide all the text in a word doc using OpenXml. Currently when I try and append the Paragraph properties I receive the above error. I can't find much about this error online.

Code that returns error

        using (WordprocessingDocument wdDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(mDoc_copy, true))
            // Manage namespaces to perform XPath queries.
            NameTable nt = new NameTable();
            XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt);
            nsManager.AddNamespace("w", wordmlNamespace);

            // Get the document part from the package.
            // Load the XML in the document part into an XmlDocument instance.
            XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument(nt);

            MainDocumentPart main = wdDoc.MainDocumentPart;

            IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement> elem = main.Document.Body.Descendants().ToList();
            Paragraph p;
            ParagraphProperties pp = new ParagraphProperties();
            ParagraphMarkRunProperties prmp = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties();
            Vanish v = new Vanish();

            foreach (Paragraph para in main.Document.Body.Descendants<Paragraph>().ToList())

                    para.ParagraphProperties = pp;

like image 661
user1704863 Avatar asked May 01 '13 14:05


1 Answers

Normally this error can be fixed by Cloning whatever node is causing the exception and then inserting that cloned value. Something like this:

LeftBorder leftBorder = new LeftBorder() { Style = BorderStyleValues.Thin };
TopBorder topBorder = new TopBorder() { Style = BorderStyleValues.Thin };
RightBorder rightBorder = new RightBorder() { Style = BorderStyleValues.Thin };
BottomBorder bottomBorder = new BottomBorder() { Style = BorderStyleValues.Thin };

Color color = new Color() { Auto = true, Rgb = rgbHexValue == string.Empty ? new HexBinaryValue("00000000") : new HexBinaryValue(rgbHexValue) };

leftBorder.Color = color;
topBorder.Color = (Color)color.CloneNode(true);
rightBorder.Color = (Color)color.CloneNode(true);
bottomBorder.Color = (Color)color.CloneNode(true);

This will create one Color instance and then use the same instance for all the borders by cloning the original instance then inserting it.

like image 187
amurra Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 22:10
