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Cannot get property descriptor of a class property

I want to inspect an instance of a JavaScript class and access its getter. In ES5, I can write this code to retrieve the getter of an object:

var obj = {
  get foo () {}

const foo = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor (obj, 'foo').get;
// returns a function

However, when I try this on a class instance, my code fails:

class Foo {
  get foo () {}

var obj = new Foo ();
const foo = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor (obj, 'foo').get;
// error: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined

Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor does not seem to work: it returns undefined for the foo property.

I am using Babel 6.4.5 to transpile my code from ES2015 to ES5.

Is Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor supposed to work on classes too? Or is this a side effect of using Babel?

EDIT I've finally switched to Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor as suggested by Bergi. I describe the solution in detail in a blog post (Enumerating methods on a JavaScript class instance).

like image 304
Pierre Arnaud Avatar asked Jan 26 '16 15:01

Pierre Arnaud

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1 Answers

It does work with classes, but the instance you tried it on has no own property. Use

Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), 'foo')
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Foo.prototype, 'foo')
like image 149
Bergi Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09
