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Cannot Generate method stub Visual Studio 2015 + Resharper 9

I just upgraded Visual Studio to 2015 Pro version and installed resharper 9.0. Now, when i create some method i can't generate method stub like shown here

Visual Studio 2015 don't show solutions for generating method stub. And even resharper doesn't show lightbulb on the left.

enter image description here

Another thing:

When i try to add new variable to method, same thing - resharper doesn't suggest anything - no lightbulb on the left.

enter image description here

Is there some configuration i'm missing or some features turned off?

UPDATE: Well, i found one little check, that helped with first problem. Resharper options -> Code Inspection -> Settings -> Uncheck "Do not show Visual Studio bulb"

like image 843
Muno Avatar asked Aug 11 '15 05:08


1 Answers

You may have solved this problem by now though.

I also have encountered this and I just hover my mouse onto the symbol ex. (getUser)

string user = getUser();

a yellow light bulb should pop up with a drop down arrow next to it,click the down arrow then choose "Generate method Global.getUser"

like image 190
wolfQueen Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 22:11
