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Cannot download system images in Android Studio 3.0 AVD Manager or SDK Manager

When I try to list and download system images in AVD Manager, nothing shows up in the list. See below:
enter image description here None of the three tabs show the images, even after I hit refresh. I have made sure I have a working fast Internet connection. I have checked the SDK Manager also. Nothing related to system images is there for download. My list of SDK update sites is as follows (https://dl.google.com/android/repository/repository2-1.xml and a local repo on my system):
enter image description here

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djnotes Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 12:12


2 Answers

First remove Android settings directory. Make sure Android Studio is closed. On Linux you can run:

sudo rm -rf ~/.android 

Now, launch Android Studio and Download links should be available for system images both in AVD Manager and SDK Manager.
enter image description here

enter image description here

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djnotes Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 01:12


I also had this problem just now in my Manjaro Desktop but unfortunately, the answer by @JasonStack did not work. In my case, the /tmp directory was full so that Android Studio could not download the repository information into the /tmp directory. You can check the /tmp directory status using the following command.

df -h

If this is the problem, it can be fixed by removing all the files in /tmp directory and restarting the computer. To remove all the files in /tmp directory, use the following command:

for i in /tmp/* ; do sudo rm -rf "$i" ; done

Try this command without sudo. If there are any files left, use sudo.

If the file to download is too large, the capacity of the /tmp directory may not be enough. In such scenarios, follow these steps:

Create a new directory in the home directory:

mkdir ~/tmp

Append the following line to the end of <android-studio-location>/bin/studio64.vmoptions file and restart the Android Studio.


Replace <USER> in the above line with your username.

See this question for more details: /tmp directory in Linux Android SDK

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Gobinath Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 02:12
