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Cannot delete AWS Lambda@Edge replicas

This question already exists here but I think it will have more impact on SO.

I created an AWS Lambda@Edge function in order to rewrite Cloudfront URLs before they reach the Origin.
AWS Lambda@Edge Function are automatically replicated through all regions when published, so I was not surprised to see this in every region:

enter image description here

Here began the problems:
I deleted the Lambda@Edge because it was a test and I wanted to start a fresh new one, but the replicas weren't deleted at the same time.
It was no big deal at the time, I thought that I simply could create a new Lambda@Edge function.
But you can't because the Cloudfront trigger can only be used one function at a time (as the replicas use it, you cannot create a new one).
Moreover, the trigger cannot be deleted either.

So now I'm stuck with Lambda@Edge replicas everywhere that I cannot delete and I cannot create similar ones.


  • I created a Lambda@Edge with a CloudFront trigger
  • I deleted it to create a new (similar) one
  • Now there is a replica still existing
  • I can't delete the replica
  • I can't create a new Lambda@Edge because the trigger is already "in use" by the replica (that I can't delete)

I'd be grateful to get some help on this


I definitely think it's a bug because in my replica's page, the link to the Master ARN responds with a 404.

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Francois Avatar asked Jul 25 '17 07:07


People also ask

How do I remove Lambda replica?

Choose the Behaviors tab. Choose the check box next to the cache behavior that has the Lambda@Edge function association that you want to delete, and then choose Edit. Scroll down to Lambda Function Associations, and then choose the X icon next to each Lambda@Edge function association that you want to delete.

What is difference between Lambda and Lambda edge?

The major difference is in the API Gateway and the Lambda are regional service. Lambda@Edge is a global service. Lambda@Edge allows you to execute the logic across multiple location. This is the main difference between Lambda and Lambda@Edge, remaining all the things are mostly similar.

How do I delete a CloudFront distribution?

In the right pane of the CloudFront console, select the check box for the distribution that you want to delete. Choose Disable to disable the distribution, and choose Yes, Disable to confirm. Then choose Close.

5 Answers

I found part of an answer:

It turns out that I needed to delete the trigger in the behavior of Cloudfront.

  • Go to your Cloudfront distribution's behaviors
  • Check the one triggering the LambdaEdge
  • Click Edit
  • Go at the very bottom of the page and click the X to delete the trigger

Still, I can't delete the replicas but at least I can create new lambdas for this trigger...

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Francois Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10


There is now a documentation here stating that replicas are deleted after a "few hours" - which would imply that I then can also delete the Lambda function.

Update 2020-01-05: If you delete the Lambdas it takes ~1 h and everything is gone! So it is just slower but behave similar to normal Lambdas?

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lony Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10


I asked this problem to AWS support and its answer was like: "you cannot delete replicated lambda functions for now, but we understand many people requires this".

AWS Lambda@Edge http://docs.aws.amazon.com/es_es/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-edge.html

When you create a trigger, Lambda replicates the function to AWS Regions and CloudFront edge locations around the globe. Note that replicas can't be edited or deleted.

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reki Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10


Hi francois, yves, reki I have figured out the solution to delete Lambda@edge replica.

  1. Firstly, Login to CloudFront Console and go to your Distribution.
  2. Under the Behaviors Tab - tick the listed Behavior and edit
  3. Scroll down to Lambda Function Associations and remove any Association by clicking the X.
  4. Press yes,edit to save the changes. --- Now that you have removed the Associations it's time to delete the Lambda@edge replicas
  5. Go to Lambda Console and open your lambda( you wish to delete).
  6. On the top menus - Qualifiers -> Versions-> choose the listed drop-down version enter image description here
  7. It will open that @edgeLambda Version
  8. On the top menus - Actions -> Delete version enter image description here
  9. This way , deleting all the versions - you are left with $LATEST
  10. Deleting that also - you are finally able to delete the Lambda@edge Function

Note!> Please remember to delete any IAM Roles and Permissions associated with Lambda@edge Functions.

I hope this will works for you, Enjoy :)

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DHEERAJ Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 06:10


Even I tried * To delete trigger then create lambda (in my case lambda reaches nearly 30)*,but i couldnt create new lambda@edge. Finally i did this

Removed the cloud-front distribution which is associated with lambda function, now its simple to move further. Please assure that distribution only used by that related lambda.

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selvasundarraj Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 06:10
