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Cannot create a new Android Project using Eclipse


I recently updated my sdk version from 18 to 20.

I tried to create a new Android Application Project. I filled up all the needed fields to create a new project but when I came to the last page of the creating a new Android Application Project, this appears:

" This templates depends on the Android support library, which is either not installed, or the template depends on a more recent version than the one you have installed.

Required version: 8 Installed version: Not installed "

Then it also displays this link. http://developer.android.com/sdk/compatibility-library.html

It also has two buttons:

  1. Install/Upgrade
  2. Check again

When I click the first button, it's not downloading, installing or upgrading any of my software. And this messages display to my Console:

[2012-07-15 21:55:08 - SDK Manager] Fetching https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/addons_list-2.xml [2012-07-15 21:55:16 - SDK Manager] Fetched Add-ons List successfully [2012-07-15 21:55:16 - SDK Manager] Fetching URL: https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository-7.xml [2012-07-15 21:55:37 - SDK Manager] Done loading packages. [2012-07-15 21:55:37 - Android Compatibility JAR not found:] D:\Software\Eclipse\v4\android-support-v4.jar 

The button two does not do anything at all.

I downloaded the compressed file 'android-sdk_r20-windows' and extracted it to my hard drive. I used it to download the following:

  1. Android SDK Tools
  2. Android SDK Platform-tools
  3. SDK Platform API8
  4. Google APIs 8

I don't understand what my problem is, my eclipse works properly when I still haven't updated it yet. Did I forget do download some required tools or something?

Please help me.

Add: My eclipse works fine when I imported my previous Android Applications (my app runs on my emulator), the only problem is that I can't create a new Android Application.

Here's my screenshot.

like image 347
JetPro Avatar asked Jul 15 '12 14:07


2 Answers

I struggled with this for about an hour today and it started working. I think the key was to uninstall and reinstall the support library, then restart eclipse.

Note: I had to restart eclipse twice, after uninstalling the support library from within the SDK manager. Manually deleting the folder form terminal did not work for me.

like image 146
bill davis Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

bill davis

Open SDK Manager.exe within the Android SDK r20 that you downloaded. In the list of software, scroll down to Extras at the bottom, and choose Android Support Library.

enter image description here

like image 22
Michael Hampton Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Michael Hampton