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Cannot bind argument to parameter because it is an empty string

I am getting this error when calling a function from a module that I have created and imported into my main script:

 Run-RemoteScript : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Targets' because it 
is an empty string.
At C:\Scripts\Script.ps1:114 char:39
+             Run-RemoteScript -Targets $targets -RunMethod $runMethod  ...
+                                       ~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [Run-RemoteScript], 
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 

In my module, -Target is defined as a parameter like this:

[Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)][String[]]$Targets,

In my main script (which imports my module), $targets is defined like this:

$Targets = Set-TargetList

I have tried using a global script scope, but this did not work.

like image 399
Tobias KKS Avatar asked Nov 01 '18 10:11

Tobias KKS

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1 Answers

Probably a late answer, but in case others have a similar issue.

In my case, it was an array of strings. It was rejected when at least one of the member strings was empty or null.

Either set AllowEmptyString as an attribute in the parameter you're calling, or check whether the members are not empty strings before passing them.

like image 74
Vadim Berman Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10

Vadim Berman