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Cancel a saga when an action is dispatched with redux-saga


I start a timer for a stopwatch React component when a START action is dispatched:

import 'babel-polyfill' import { call, put } from 'redux-saga/effects' import { delay, takeEvery, takeLatest } from 'redux-saga' import { tick, START, TICK, STOP } from './actions'  const ONE_SECOND = 1000  export function * timerTickWorkerSaga (getState) {   yield call(delay, ONE_SECOND)   yield put(tick()) }  export default function * timerTickSaga () {   yield* takeEvery([START, TICK], timerTickWorkerSaga)   yield* takeLatest(STOP, cancel(timerTickWorkerSaga)) } /*   The saga should start when either a START or a TICK is dispatched   The saga should stop running when a stop is dispatched */ 

I have trouble stopping the saga when the STOP action is dispatched from my component. I have tried using cancel and cancelled effects from within my worker saga:

if(yield(take(STOP)) {   yield cancel(timerTickWorkerSaga) } 

as well as the approach in the first code block where I try and stop the saga from the watching service.

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vamsiampolu Avatar asked Jun 07 '16 21:06


People also ask

How do I stop the execution in Saga?

Once a task is forked, you can abort its execution using yield cancel(task) .

Can we dispatch action from Saga?

Since you're using takeEvery , no, there's no way to dispatch a GET_USER action from within your saga without triggering an infinite loop.

How do I use dispatch in redux saga?

Create a plain JavaScript Object to instruct the middleware that we need to dispatch some action, and let the middleware perform the real dispatch. This way we can test the Generator's dispatch in the same way: by inspecting the yielded Effect and making sure it contains the correct instructions.

What happens if any of the forked task results in an error?

If any forked task raises an uncaught error, then the parent task will abort with the child Error, and the whole Parent's execution tree (i.e. forked tasks + the main task represented by the parent's body if it's still running) will be cancelled.

2 Answers

Redux-Saga has a method for this now, it's called race race. It will run 2 tasks, but when one finishes, it will automatically cancel the other.

  • https://redux-saga.js.org/docs/advanced/RacingEffects.html

  • watchStartTickBackgroundSaga is always running

  • Every time there's a start or tick, start a race between timerTickWorkerSaga and listening for the next STOP action.
  • When one of those tasks finishes, the other task is cancelled this is the behavior of race.
  • The names "task" and "cancel" inside of race do not matter, they just help readability of the code

export function* watchStartTickBackgroundSaga() {   yield takeEvery([START, TICK], function* (...args) {     yield race({       task: call(timerTickWorkerSaga, ...args),       cancel: take(STOP)     })   }) } 
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Cory Danielson Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 07:10

Cory Danielson

Looks like a few things are going on here:

  1. The cancel side effect takes a Task object as its argument. What you're passing into it in the code above is just the GeneratorFunction that creates the saga/Generator object. For a great intro to generators and how they work, check out this article.
  2. You're using yield* before the takeEvery and takeLatest generators. Using yield* will spread the whole sequence. So you can think of it like this: that it's filling in the line

    yield* takeEvery([START, TICK], timerTickWorkerSaga)


    while (true) {     const action = yield take([START, TICK])     yield fork(timeTickWorkerSaga, action) } 

    And I don't think this is what you're going for, because I believe this will end up blocking the second line of your timerTickSaga. Instead you probably want:

    yield fork(takeEvery, [START, TICK], timerTickWorkerSaga) 

    This forks off the takeEvery effect so it doesn't block the next line.

  3. The second argument you're passing into takeLatest is just an object - a CANCEL effect object. The second argument to takeLatest should actually be a GeneratorFunction, which will be run when an action matching the STOP pattern is dispatched to the Redux store. So that should really be a saga function. You want this to cancel the fork(takeEvery, [START, TICK], timerTickWorkerSaga) task so that future START and TICK actions will not cause the timerTickWorkerSaga to run. You can achieve this by having the saga run a CANCEL effect with the Task object that resulted from the fork(takeEvery... effect. We can the Task object as an additional argument to the takeLatest saga. So we end up with something along the lines of:

    export default function * timerTickSaga () {     const workerTask = yield fork(takeEvery, [START, TICK], timerTickWorkerSaga)     yield fork(takeLatest, STOP, cancelWorkerSaga, workerTask) }  function* cancelWorkerSaga (task) {     yield cancel(task) } 

For additional reference check out the task cancellation example in the redux-saga docs. If you look in the main saga there, you'll see how the fork effect yields a Task object/descriptor that is used further down when yielding the cancel effect.

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rayd Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10
