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Can you use multiple .JS files when developing a complex Javascript application?

Coming from a C# background where every class is (best practices) stored in its own individual file, it makes development quite clean. I've never written anything complex in Javascript in the past, but I am starting to learn HTML 5 and I want to write a complex game using the HTML 5 canvas.

Putting all of my functions and code into a single .js file seems very messy. Is there a way to split it up, or a tool/IDE that lets you develop using separate files and compile them into a single one for deployment?

I guess I am looking for some best practice advice. Questions like this generally seem to get closed, so here are my specific questions to adhere to the SO FAQ that demands practical, answerable questions:

  • Does complex JS development usually involve all the code being in a single JS file? Eg. you're writing space invaders, do you just have spaceinvaders.js or do you have ships.js, logic.js etc.

  • Is it possible to split up your JS (whether using multiple script tags or pre-compiling to a single JS file) or to just put it all in a single file?

  • What's the industry standard? Does the HTML 5 spec make any recommendations?

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NibblyPig Avatar asked Mar 29 '13 17:03


People also ask

Should all my JavaScript be in one file?

To avoid multiple server requests, group your JavaScript files into one. Whatever you use for performance, try to minify JavaScript to improve the load time of the web page. If you are using single page application, then group all the scripts in a single file.

What is better to load one complete JavaScript file on all pages or separate files based on different pages?

It is best to keep separate files or include all files in one file Javascript? To avoid multiple server requests, it is better to group all your JavaScript files into only one. If you're using C#.Net + ASP.Net, you can bundle your files — it is a very good way to compress your scripts.

Should I separate JavaScript files?

You should put your JS code in a separate file because this makes it easier to test and develop. The question of how you serve the code is a different matter. Serving the HTML and the JS separately has the advantage that a client can cache the JS.

1 Answers

There two possible ways. Personally, I would use a build tool to simplify working with multiple files.

Using a build tool


My favourite tool to keep up with complex js applications is grunt. With grunt you can develop in as many files as you want and use its plugins watch and concat to automatically concat them on save. You can do a lot more but this is the basic use case which may be helpful for you.

Grunt requires nodejs and takes some time to setup. But once you are ready with your Gruntfile setup it really speeds up your development process.

To make your project ready for production use you can also minify your scripts with some configuration and a single command.

A lot of the major javascript libraries are using grunt, easily recognizable based on their Gruntfile: jQuery, AngularJS, Twitter Bootstrap etc.

Grunt is also part of the development toolset yeoman.


Brunch is another build tool which allows you to do similar things like grunt does.

Loading only the needed files

If you are developing a huge single page application and are concerned about the startup time of your application, one single file may not be the best solution. In this case you can use a javascript module loader.


Therefor require.js is a goot fit. It allows you to only load the actual needed files on the current page. Though setting up require.js is a bit more work than setting up grunt.

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Marcel Gwerder Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 02:10

Marcel Gwerder