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Can you update QPython3 version of Python3?

I want to install biopython on Qpython3 but it says that I have python 3.2 and need version 3.3 or greater. Is there no version of QPython3 available with a higher version? Can I update it somehow? -Thanks

like image 811
jelijelidjango Avatar asked Jun 16 '15 18:06


2 Answers

There's something in the wiki about changing the core


but it is rather short and cryptic, ending with

More detail coming soon ...

like image 178
hpaulj Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10


Now, you can install qpy36 (http://qpy36.qpython.org/) to update QPython3's core.

like image 34
River Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
