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Can you restrict viewing access for revenue in Firebase Analytics Dashboard?

Firebase Analytics dashboard has a category that reports the Apps revenue: "How much revenue is your app making?"

Can you prevent dashboard users to see this category? If not, can you maybe prevent just the Analytics dashboard, but still let a developer user have access to the rest of the features?

I've searched the Firebase roles and permissions, but couldn't find anything that could just prevent the revenue from being seen and also, the Develop role seems to give access to all Analytics statistics.

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Petre-Daniel Puiu Avatar asked Mar 07 '19 16:03

Petre-Daniel Puiu

People also ask

Which permission gives you view only access to Analytics?

The CRM Analytics for Communities permission set license enables the “View CRM Analytics on Experience Cloud pages” permission. That permission enables external users to view CRM Analytics dashboards embedded in their Experience Cloud sites.

How do I filter Firebase Analytics?

Open the side navigation menu on the Firebase Console. Select the 'Events' section to open it's dropdown menu. Under the 'Analytics' subcategory list, select 'Events'. You have the ability to filter the default data results using the 'Filters' option.

Is Firebase replacing Google Analytics?

tl;dr: Google Analytics for Firebase, formerly Firebase Analytics, is now known as Google Analytics. It works great for your mobile apps! Oh, but Google Analytics for Mobile has been deprecated; they recommend you use Firebase Analytics, which, as you'll recall, is now Google Analytics.

Should I use Google Analytics or Firebase Analytics?

Generally, if you are solely focused on creating and developing apps, Firebase is the best option for your business. It is mobile-forward and focused on the development of mobile apps. This will work better for an app-focused company. If you only have a website, Google Analytics is the best option.

1 Answers

Nope -- right now, the permissions aren't that granular. It's a good feature request, though. I'll raise it with the team.

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Todd Kerpelman Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10

Todd Kerpelman