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can you put SSL on a IP address or only on a web server's domain name?



People also ask

Can I install SSL on IP address?

The answer is 'Yes. ' An SSL certificate can be issued for a public IP address. These are the rules and requirements to get an SSL certificate for an IP address: SSL can be issued for a public IP address.

Does SSL require a domain name?

Every website needs an SSL certificate these days to remain accessible via Chrome or Firefox. But can you get SSL without a domain name? Yes, you can!

Do you add SSL to domain or host?

To use HTTPS with your domain name, you need a SSL or TLS certificate installed on your website. Your web host (Web Hosting Provider) may offer HTTPS security or you can request a SSL/TLS certificate from Certificate Authorities and install it yourself. SSL/TLS certificates may need to be renewed periodically.

Does SSL need dedicated IP address?

For proper SSL functionality it is recommended to have a separate dedicated IP for each certificate. However, nowadays it is possible to install multiple SSL certificates using a shared IP address thanks to the SNI (Server Name Indication) technology.

You can easily put an ip address into the CN (common name) of an ssl certificate by the same procedure you would use for an ordinary hostname (ssl certificates contain hostnames, not domain names).

How this is done precisely in your case cannot be answered, since you have not stated what your case is.

Browsers should match the CN of a certificate against what the user has put into the URL bar. If it's an ip address, it's an ip address.

This site offers certificates for IP addresses. You wouldn't be able to (properly) use a certificate for a domain name for an IP address, however.