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Can you patch *just* a nested function with closure, or must the whole outer function be repeated?

A 3rd party library we use contains a rather long function that uses a nested function inside it. Our use of that library triggers a bug in that function, and we very much would like to solve that bug.

Unfortunately, the library maintainers are somewhat slow with fixes, but we don't want to have to fork the library. We also cannot hold our release until they have fixed the issue.

We would prefer to use monkey-patching to fix this issue here as that is easier to track than patching the source. However, to repeat a very large function where just replacing the inner function would be enough feels overkill, and makes it harder for others to see what exactly we changed. Are we stuck with a static patch to the library egg?

The inner function relies on closing over a variable; a contrived example would be:

def outerfunction(*args):     def innerfunction(val):         return someformat.format(val)      someformat = 'Foo: {}'     for arg in args:         yield innerfunction(arg) 

where we would want to replace just the implementation of innerfunction(). The actual outer function is far, far longer. We'd reuse the closed-over variable and maintain the function signature, of course.

like image 245
Martijn Pieters Avatar asked Dec 18 '14 15:12

Martijn Pieters

People also ask

Can you call a nested function outside a function?

Nested function is private to containing function Only the containing function can access the nested function. We cannot access it anywhere outside the function. This is because the inner function is defined in the scope of the outer function (or containing function).

Can a nested function access outer variable?

Python Inner Functions or Nested Functions can access the variables of the outer function as well as the global variables.

Is nested function a closure?

As seen from the above example, we have a closure in Python when a nested function references a value in its enclosing scope. The criteria that must be met to create closure in Python are summarized in the following points. We must have a nested function (function inside a function).

Why aren't Python nested functions closures?

This is because of how Python it manages the functions variable scope. While the inner function can read the outer function's variables, it cannot write them.

2 Answers

Yes, you can replace an inner function, even if it is using a closure. You'll have to jump through a few hoops though. Please take into account:

  1. You need to create the replacement function as a nested function too, to ensure that Python creates the same closure. If the original function has a closure over the names foo and bar, you need to define your replacement as a nested function with the same names closed over. More importantly, you need to use those names in the same order; closures are referenced by index.

  2. Monkey patching is always fragile and can break with the implementation changing. This is no exception. Retest your monkey patch whenever you change versions of the patched library.

Code objects

To understand how this will work, I'll first explain how Python handles nested functions. Python uses code objects to produce function objects as needed. Each code object has an associated constants sequence, and the code objects for nested functions are stored in that sequence:

>>> def outerfunction(*args): ...     def innerfunction(val): ...         return someformat.format(val) ...     someformat = 'Foo: {}' ...     for arg in args: ...         yield innerfunction(arg) ...  >>> outerfunction.__code__ <code object outerfunction at 0x105b27ab0, file "<stdin>", line 1> >>> outerfunction.__code__.co_consts (None, <code object innerfunction at 0x10f136ed0, file "<stdin>", line 2>, 'outerfunction.<locals>.innerfunction', 'Foo: {}') 

The co_consts sequence is an immutable object, a tuple, so we cannot just swap out the inner code object. I'll show later on how we'll produce a new function object with just that code object replaced.

How closures are handled

Next, we need to cover closures. At compile time, Python determines that
a) someformat is not a local name in innerfunction and that
b) it is closing over the same name in outerfunction.
Python not only then generates the bytecode to produce the correct name lookups, the code objects for both the nested and the outer functions are annotated to record that someformat is to be closed over:

>>> outerfunction.__code__.co_cellvars ('someformat',) >>> outerfunction.__code__.co_consts[1].co_freevars ('someformat',) 

You want to make sure that the replacement inner code object only ever lists those same names as free variables, and does so in the same order.

Closures are created at run-time; the byte-code to produce them is part of the outer function:

>>> import dis >>> dis.dis(outerfunction)   2           0 LOAD_CLOSURE             0 (someformat)               2 BUILD_TUPLE              1               4 LOAD_CONST               1 (<code object innerfunction at 0x10f136ed0, file "<stdin>", line 2>)               6 LOAD_CONST               2 ('outerfunction.<locals>.innerfunction')               8 MAKE_FUNCTION            8 (closure)              10 STORE_FAST               1 (innerfunction)  # ... rest of disassembly omitted ... 

The LOAD_CLOSURE bytecode there creates a closure for the someformat variable; Python creates as many closures as used by the function in the order they are first used in the inner function. This is an important fact to remember for later. The function itself looks up these closures by position:

>>> dis.dis(outerfunction.__code__.co_consts[1])   3           0 LOAD_DEREF               0 (someformat)               2 LOAD_METHOD              0 (format)               4 LOAD_FAST                0 (val)               6 CALL_METHOD              1               8 RETURN_VALUE 

The LOAD_DEREF opcode picked the closure at position 0 here to gain access to the someformat closure.

In theory this also means you can use entirely different names for the closures in your inner function, but for debugging purposes it makes much more sense to stick to the same names. It also makes verifying that the replacement function will slot in properly easier, as you can just compare the co_freevars tuples if you use the same names.


Now for the swapping trick. Functions are objects like any other in Python, instances of a specific type. The type isn't exposed normally, but the type() call still returns it. The same applies to code objects, and both types even have documentation:

>>> type(outerfunction) <type 'function'> >>> print(type(outerfunction).__doc__) Create a function object.    code     a code object   globals     the globals dictionary   name     a string that overrides the name from the code object   argdefs     a tuple that specifies the default argument values   closure     a tuple that supplies the bindings for free variables >>> type(outerfunction.__code__) <type 'code'> >>> print(type(outerfunction.__code__).__doc__) code(argcount, posonlyargcount, kwonlyargcount, nlocals, stacksize,       flags, codestring, constants, names, varnames, filename, name,       firstlineno, lnotab[, freevars[, cellvars]])  Create a code object.  Not for the faint of heart. 

(The exact argument count and docstring varies between Python versions; Python 3.0 added the kwonlyargcount argument, and as of Python 3.8, posonlyargcount has been added).

We'll use these type objects to produce a new code object with updated constants, and then a new function object with updated code object; the following function is compatible with Python versions 2.7 through to 3.8.

def replace_inner_function(outer, new_inner):     """Replace a nested function code object used by outer with new_inner      The replacement new_inner must use the same name and must at most use the     same closures as the original.      """     if hasattr(new_inner, '__code__'):         # support both functions and code objects         new_inner = new_inner.__code__      # find original code object so we can validate the closures match     ocode = outer.__code__     function, code = type(outer), type(ocode)     iname = new_inner.co_name     orig_inner = next(         const for const in ocode.co_consts         if isinstance(const, code) and const.co_name == iname)      # you can ignore later closures, but since they are matched by position     # the new sequence must match the start of the old.     assert (orig_inner.co_freevars[:len(new_inner.co_freevars)] ==             new_inner.co_freevars), 'New closures must match originals'      # replace the code object for the inner function     new_consts = tuple(         new_inner if const is orig_inner else const         for const in outer.__code__.co_consts)      # create a new code object with the new constants     try:         # Python 3.8 added code.replace(), so much more convenient!         ncode = ocode.replace(co_consts=new_consts)     except AttributeError:         # older Python versions, argument counts vary so we need to check         # for specifics.         args = [             ocode.co_argcount, ocode.co_nlocals, ocode.co_stacksize,             ocode.co_flags, ocode.co_code,             new_consts,  # replacing the constants             ocode.co_names, ocode.co_varnames, ocode.co_filename,             ocode.co_name, ocode.co_firstlineno, ocode.co_lnotab,             ocode.co_freevars, ocode.co_cellvars,         ]         if hasattr(ocode, 'co_kwonlyargcount'):             # Python 3+, insert after co_argcount             args.insert(1, ocode.co_kwonlyargcount)         # Python 3.8 adds co_posonlyargcount, but also has code.replace(), used above         ncode = code(*args)      # and a new function object using the updated code object     return function(         ncode, outer.__globals__, outer.__name__,         outer.__defaults__, outer.__closure__     ) 

The above function validates that the new inner function (which can be passed in as either a code object or as a function) will indeed use the same closures as the original. It then creates new code and function objects to match the old outer function object, but with the nested function (located by name) replaced with your monkey patch.

Let's try it out

To demonstrate that the above all works, lets replace innerfunction with one that increments each formatted value by 2:

>>> def create_inner(): ...     someformat = None  # the actual value doesn't matter ...     def innerfunction(val): ...         return someformat.format(val + 2) ...     return innerfunction ...  >>> new_inner = create_inner() 

The new inner function is created as a nested function too; this is important as it ensures that Python will use the correct bytecode to look up the someformat closure. I used a return statement to extract the function object, but you could also look at create_inner.__code__.co_consts to grab the code object.

Now we can patch the original outer function, swapping out just the inner function:

>>> new_outer = replace_inner_function(outerfunction, new_inner) >>> list(outerfunction(6, 7, 8)) ['Foo: 6', 'Foo: 7', 'Foo: 8'] >>> list(new_outer(6, 7, 8)) ['Foo: 8', 'Foo: 9', 'Foo: 10'] 

The original function echoed out the original values, but the new returned values incremented by 2.

You can even create new replacement inner functions that use fewer closures:

>>> def demo_outer(): ...     closure1 = 'foo' ...     closure2 = 'bar' ...     def demo_inner(): ...         print(closure1, closure2) ...     demo_inner() ... >>> def create_demo_inner(): ...     closure1 = None ...     def demo_inner(): ...         print(closure1) ... >>> replace_inner_function(demo_outer, create_demo_inner.__code__.co_consts[1])() foo 

In a nutshell

So, to complete the picture:

  1. Create your monkey-patch inner function as a nested function with the same closures in the same order.
  2. Use the above replace_inner_function() to produce a new outer function.
  3. Monkey patch the original outer function to use the new outer function produced in step 2.
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Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10

Martijn Pieters

Martijn's answer is good, but there is one drawback that would be nice to remove:

You want to make sure that the replacement inner code object only ever lists those same names as free variables, and does so in the same order.

This isn't a particularly difficult constraint for the normal case, but it isn't pleasant to be dependent on undefined behaviours like name ordering and when things go wrong there are potentially really nasty errors and possibly even hard crashes.

My approach has its own drawbacks, but in most cases I believe the drawback above would motivate using it. As far as I can tell, it should also be more portable.

The basic approach is to load the source with inspect.getsource, change it and then evaluate it. This is done at AST level in order to keep things in order.

Here is the code:

import ast import inspect import sys  class AstReplaceInner(ast.NodeTransformer):     def __init__(self, replacement):         self.replacement = replacement      def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):         if node.name == self.replacement.name:             # Prevent the replacement AST from messing             # with the outer AST's line numbers             return ast.copy_location(self.replacement, node)          self.generic_visit(node)         return node  def ast_replace_inner(outer, inner, name=None):     if name is None:         name = inner.__name__      outer_ast = ast.parse(inspect.getsource(outer))     inner_ast = ast.parse(inspect.getsource(inner))      # Fix the source lines for the outer AST     outer_ast = ast.increment_lineno(outer_ast, inspect.getsourcelines(outer)[1] - 1)      # outer_ast should be a module so it can be evaluated;     # inner_ast should be a function so we strip the module node     inner_ast = inner_ast.body[0]      # Replace the function     inner_ast.name = name     modified_ast = AstReplaceInner(inner_ast).visit(outer_ast)      # Evaluate the modified AST in the original module's scope     compiled = compile(modified_ast, inspect.getsourcefile(outer), "exec")     outer_globals = outer.__globals__ if sys.version_info >= (3,) else outer.func_globals     exec_scope = {}      exec(compiled, outer_globals, exec_scope)     return exec_scope.popitem()[1] 

A quick walkthrough. AstReplaceInner is an ast.NodeTransformer, which just allows you to modify ASTs by mapping certain nodes to certain other nodes. In this case, it takes a replacement node to replace an ast.FunctionDef node with whenever names match.

ast_replace_inner is the function we really care about, which takes two functions and optionally a name. The name is used to allow replacing the inner function with another function of a different name.

The ASTs are parsed:

    outer_ast = ast.parse(inspect.getsource(outer))     inner_ast = ast.parse(inspect.getsource(inner)) 

The transformation is made:

    modified_ast = AstReplaceInner(inner_ast).visit(outer_ast) 

The code is evaluated and the function extracted:

    exec(compiled, outer_globals, exec_scope)     return exec_scope.popitem()[1] 

Here's an example of use. Assume this old code is in buggy.py:

def outerfunction():     numerator = 10.0      def innerfunction(denominator):         return denominator / numerator      return innerfunction 

You want to replace innerfunction with

def innerfunction(denominator):     return numerator / denominator 

You write:

import buggy  def innerfunction(denominator):     return numerator / denominator  buggy.outerfunction = ast_replace_inner(buggy.outerfunction, innerfunction) 

Alternatively, you could write:

def divide(denominator):     return numerator / denominator  buggy.outerfunction = ast_replace_inner(buggy.outerfunction, divide, "innerfunction") 

The main disadvantage of this technique is that one requires inspect.getsource to work on both the target and replacement. This will fail if the target is "built-in" (written in C) or compiled to bytecode before distributing. Note that if it's built-in, Martijn's technique will not work either.

Another major disadvantage is that the line numbers from the inner function are completely screwy. This is not a big problem if the inner function is small, but if you have a large inner function this is worth thinking about.

Other disadvantages come from if the function object is not specified in the same way. For example, you could not patch

def outerfunction():     numerator = 10.0      innerfunction = lambda denominator: denominator / numerator      return innerfunction 

the same way; a different AST transformation would be needed.

You should decide which tradeoff makes the most sense for your particular circumstance.

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Veedrac Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10
