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Can you get a class name as a constant for scala annotations?

I have an annotation which requires a String describing a class name, eg com.package.MyClass.

I can pass it as a string but would like it to reference the class itself for compilation/refactoring.

However I cannot use MyClass.getName. or classOf[MyClass].toString because it is not a constant:

Compilation error[annotation argument needs to be a constant

Is there a way to get a const reference to a classes name? Or another way to reference the class names as a string in annotations?

like image 922
Jethro Avatar asked Sep 27 '19 11:09


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1 Answers

You can't use classOf because it runs on runtime and Java annotations requires constants as arguments. Instead, you could capture the name of your class during compile time using macros.

I would recommend you to use some library which can do that, for example NameOf.

Add dependency on your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.dwickern" %% "scala-nameof" % "1.0.3" % "provided"

Then you can use it like:

import com.github.dwickern.macros.NameOf._

   new ApiImplicitParam(
     dataType= qualifiedNameOfType[com.package.MyClass])
like image 200
Krzysztof Atłasik Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Krzysztof Atłasik