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Can you explain the use of sys.sp_addextendedproperty in the following code?

What's going on in the following code after the View is created? Can you give me any thoughts or path to follow?

This code is taken from here.

/****** Object:  View [dbo].[vProductImages]    Script Date: 04/28/2008 16:59:05 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vProductImages] AS SELECT        dbo.Products_Images.ProductID, dbo.Images.ThumbUrl, dbo.Images.FullImageUrl FROM            dbo.Products_Images INNER JOIN                          dbo.Images ON dbo.Products_Images.ImageID = dbo.Images.ImageID GO EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_DiagramPane1', @value=N'[0E232FF0-B466-11cf-A24F-00AA00A3EFFF, 1.00] Begin DesignProperties =     Begin PaneConfigurations =        Begin PaneConfiguration = 0          NumPanes = 4          Configuration = "(H (1[40] 4[20] 2[20] 3) )"       End       Begin PaneConfiguration = 1          NumPanes = 3          Configuration = "(H (1 [50] 4 [25] 3))"       End       Begin PaneConfiguration = 2          NumPanes = 3          Configuration = "(H (1 [50] 2 [25] 3))"       End       Begin PaneConfiguration = 3          NumPanes = 3          Configuration = "(H (4 [30] 2 [40] 3))"       End       Begin PaneConfiguration = 4          NumPanes = 2          Configuration = "(H (1 [56] 3))"       End       Begin PaneConfiguration = 5          NumPanes = 2          Configuration = "(H (2 [66] 3))"       End       Begin PaneConfiguration = 6          NumPanes = 2          Configuration = "(H (4 [50] 3))"       End       Begin PaneConfiguration = 7          NumPanes = 1          Configuration = "(V (3))"       End       Begin PaneConfiguration = 8          NumPanes = 3          Configuration = "(H (1[56] 4[18] 2) )"       End       Begin PaneConfiguration = 9          NumPanes = 2          Configuration = "(H (1 [75] 4))"       End       Begin PaneConfiguration = 10          NumPanes = 2          Configuration = "(H (1[66] 2) )"       End       Begin PaneConfiguration = 11          NumPanes = 2          Configuration = "(H (4 [60] 2))"       End       Begin PaneConfiguration = 12          NumPanes = 1          Configuration = "(H (1) )"       End       Begin PaneConfiguration = 13          NumPanes = 1          Configuration = "(V (4))"       End       Begin PaneConfiguration = 14          NumPanes = 1          Configuration = "(V (2))"       End       ActivePaneConfig = 0    End    Begin DiagramPane =        Begin Origin =           Top = 0          Left = 0       End       Begin Tables =           Begin Table = "Products_Images"             Begin Extent =                 Top = 6                Left = 38                Bottom = 99                Right = 208             End             DisplayFlags = 280             TopColumn = 0          End          Begin Table = "Images"             Begin Extent =                 Top = 6                Left = 246                Bottom = 116                Right = 416             End             DisplayFlags = 280             TopColumn = 0          End       End    End    Begin SQLPane =     End    Begin DataPane =        Begin ParameterDefaults = ""       End       Begin ColumnWidths = 9          Width = 284          Width = 1500          Width = 1500          Width = 1500          Width = 1500          Width = 1500          Width = 1500          Width = 1500          Width = 1500       End    End    Begin CriteriaPane =        Begin ColumnWidths = 11          Column = 1440          Alias = 900          Table = 1170          Output = 720          Append = 1400          NewValue = 1170          SortType = 1350          SortOrder = 1410          GroupBy = 1350          Filter = 1350          Or = 1350          Or = 1350          Or = 1350       End    End End ' , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'VIEW',@level1name=N'vProductImages' GO EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'MS_DiagramPaneCount', @value=1 , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'VIEW',@level1name=N'vProductImages' GO 
like image 576
stacker Avatar asked Oct 04 '10 14:10


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How do I query an extended property in SQL Server?

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1 Answers

It looks like you used the GUI designer to create the view. In order to save the graphical layout of your tables in the designer, it's storing this metadata as an extended property. It doesn't affect how the view is actually processed. It's just so that you can run the designer again and have it look the way you left it.

like image 161
David Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 14:09
