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Can you debug Karma test runner? [duplicate]

How do I debug a Node.js server application?

Right now I'm mostly using alert debugging with print statements like this:


There must be a better way to debug. I know that Google Chrome has a command-line debugger. Is this debugger available for Node.js as well?

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Fabian Jakobs Avatar asked Dec 15 '09 22:12

Fabian Jakobs

5 Answers

node-inspector could save the day! Use it from any browser supporting WebSocket. Breakpoints, profiler, livecoding, etc... It is really awesome.

Install it with:

npm install -g node-inspector

Then run:

node-debug app.js
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daralthus Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 12:10



  • Joyent's Guide
  • Debugger
  • Node Inspector
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Cloud9
  • Brackets


  1. node --prof ./app.js
  2. node --prof-process ./the-generated-log-file


  • node-heapdump with Chrome Developer Tools


  • 0x
  • jam3/devtool then Chrome Developer Tools Flame Charts
  • Dtrace and StackVis — Only supported on SmartOS
  • clinicjs


  • Interactive Stack Traces with TraceGL


Libraries that output debugging information

  • Caterpillar
  • Tracer
  • scribbles

Libraries that enhance stack trace information

  • Longjohn


  • Apache Bench: ab -n 100000 -c 1
  • wrk


  • Trace
  • Vantage
  • Bugger
  • Google Tracing Framework
  • Paul Irish's Guide


These use to work but are no longer maintained or no longer applicable to modern node versions.

  • https://github.com/bnoordhuis/node-profiler - replaced by built-in debugging
  • https://github.com/c4milo/node-webkit-agent - replaced by node inspector
  • https://nodetime.com/ - defunct
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balupton Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 13:10


The V8 debugger released as part of the Google Chrome Developer Tools can be used to debug Node.js scripts. A detailed explanation of how this works can be found in the Node.js GitHub wiki.

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Fabian Jakobs Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 13:10

Fabian Jakobs

Node has its own built in GUI debugger as of version 6.3 (using Chrome's DevTools)

Nodes builtin GUI debugger

Simply pass the inspector flag and you'll be provided with a URL to the inspector:

node --inspect server.js

You can also break on the first line by passing --inspect-brk instead.

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Alister Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 12:10


Node.js version 0.3.4+ has built-in debugging support.

node debug script.js

Manual: http://nodejs.org/api/debugger.html

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JulianW Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 13:10
