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Can you create a custom jQuery library build? [closed]

We have a small javascript project that will be using a handful of jQuery selectors, but we don't by any means need the full jQuery package (i.e. effects). Is there any way to get a custom build of the jQuery library?

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David Eyk Avatar asked Jun 29 '10 17:06

David Eyk

1 Answers

This question was asked before this answer was available - but I feel the question is still relevant.



Hope others find these links as helpful as I have.

Update Depending on how minimal you want to go you could make your own library, I've used this as a starting concept before: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/build-your-first-javascript-library--net-26796

Source code available here: https://github.com/andrew8088/dome

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mikevoermans Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 14:10
