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Can you combine named parameter with short-hand constructor parameter?


In dart:

Named parameters function like so-

String send(msg, {rate: 'First Class'}) {
  return '${msg} was sent via ${rate}';

// you can use named parameters if the argument is optional
send("I'm poor", rate:'4th class'); // == "I'm poor was sent via 4th class"

Short-hand constructor parameters function like so-

class Person {
  String name;

  // parameters prefixed by 'this.' will assign to
  // instance variables automatically

Is there any way to do something like the below?-

class Person{
   String name;
   String age;

   Person({this.name = "defaultName", this.age = "defaultAge"});

//So that I could do something like:
var personAlpha = new Person(name: "Jordan");


Code samples borrowed from dartlang synonyms

like image 967
Jordan Avatar asked Feb 12 '14 07:02


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1 Answers


Yes, the = is allowed in Dart 2 and is now preferred over the : to match optional positional parameters.

Person({this.name = "defaultName", this.age = "defaultAge"});

Old Answer

You just have to use a colon instead of equals

class Person {
   String name;
   String age;

   Person({this.name: "defaultName", this.age: "defaultAge"});

I find this still confusing that optional parameters use = to assign defaults but named use :. Should ask myself.

like image 89
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

Günter Zöchbauer