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Can you access a Django Model "property" from it's ModelForm?


I have a Django model class with a non-model-field property, ex:

def _get(self):     return "something" description = property(_get) 

I'm using the model class with in a ModelForm / ModelFormset. Is there any way to access the property from the form / formset? If not, what's best practice for including extra "display" data in a django formset?

like image 453
bsk Avatar asked Sep 29 '10 18:09


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1 Answers

If your ModelForm was initialized with an instance of a Model, then you can access it through the instance attribute. From the ModelForm docs:

Also, a model form instance bound to a model object will contain a self.instance attribute that gives model form methods access to that specific model instance.

like image 125
ars Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
