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Can we use tf.spectral fourier functions in keras?

Let us start with an input that is a simple time series and try to build an autoencoder that simply fourier transforms then untransforms our data in keras.

If we try to do this:

inputs = Input(shape=(MAXLEN,1), name='main_input')
x = tf.spectral.rfft(inputs)
decoded = Lambda(tf.spectral.irfft)(x)

Then the third line throws an error when entered:

>> ValueError: Tensor conversion requested dtype complex64 for Tensor with dtype float32

You see, the output of tf.spectral.irfft is float32 but it looks like Lambda thinks it is complex64?? (Complex64 is the input x from the previous step)

We can fix that error at model entry time with:

inputs = Input(shape=(MAXLEN,1), name='main_input')
x = tf.spectral.rfft(inputs)
decoded = Lambda(tf.cast(tf.spectral.irfft(x),dtype=tf.float32)))

This is accepted at input time but then when we try to build the model:

autoencoder = Model(inputs, decoded)

It generates the error:

TypeError: Output tensors to a Model must be Keras tensors. Found: <keras.layers.core.Lambda object at 0x7f24f0f7bbe0>

Which I guess is reasonable and was the reason I didn't want to cast it in the first place.

Main question: how do I successfully wrap the tf.spectral.irfft function which outputs float32 ?

More general question for learning: Let's assume I actually want to do something between the rfft and the irfft, how can I cast those imaginary numbers into absolute values without breaking keras so I can apply various convolutions and the like?

like image 218
Ezekiel Kruglick Avatar asked Apr 24 '18 21:04

Ezekiel Kruglick

3 Answers

I think you just need more Lambda wrapping (using tf.keras since that's what I have installed):

import numpy
import tensorflow as tf
K = tf.keras

inputs = K.Input(shape=(10, 8), name='main_input')
x = K.layers.Lambda(tf.spectral.rfft)(inputs)
decoded = K.layers.Lambda(tf.spectral.irfft)(x)
model = K.Model(inputs, decoded)
output = model(tf.ones([10, 8]))
with tf.Session():

The output of irfft should be real, so probably no need to cast it. But if you do need to cast it (or in general combine operations in a Lambda layer), I'd wrap that in a Python lambda: K.layers.Lambda(lambda v: tf.cast(tf.spectral.whatever(v), tf.float32))

For example if you know your intermediate values (between rfft and irfft) will have an imaginary component of zero, you can truncate that off:

import numpy
import tensorflow as tf
K = tf.keras

inputs = K.Input(shape=(10, 8), name='main_input')
x = K.layers.Lambda(lambda v: tf.real(tf.spectral.rfft(v)))(inputs)
decoded = K.layers.Lambda(
    lambda v: tf.spectral.irfft(tf.complex(real=v, imag=tf.zeros_like(v))))(x)
model = K.Model(inputs, decoded)
output = model(tf.reshape(tf.range(80, dtype=tf.float32), [10, 8]))
with tf.Session():

Note that this isn't true for general sequences, since even real-valued inputs can have imaginary components once transformed. It works for the tf.ones input above, but the tf.range input gets mangled:

[[ 0.  4.  4.  4.  4.  4.  4.  4.]
 [ 8. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12.]
 [16. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20.]
 [24. 28. 28. 28. 28. 28. 28. 28.]
 [32. 36. 36. 36. 36. 36. 36. 36.]
 [40. 44. 44. 44. 44. 44. 44. 44.]
 [48. 52. 52. 52. 52. 52. 52. 52.]
 [56. 60. 60. 60. 60. 60. 60. 60.]
 [64. 68. 68. 68. 68. 68. 68. 68.]
 [72. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76. 76.]]

(Without the casting we get 0. through 79. reconstructed perfectly)

like image 122
Allen Lavoie Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 22:10

Allen Lavoie

I stumbled upon this as I was trying to solve the same problem. You can make the transition lossless by wrapping tf.real and tf.imag into Lambda layers (I'm using stft because there's no real valued equivalent):

x = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(
    lambda v: tf.signal.stft(
    ), name='gen/FFTLayer')(inputs)
real = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(tf.real)(x)
imag = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(tf.imag)(x)
# transform real and imag either separately or by concatenating them in the feature space.
x = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: tf.complex(x[0], x[1]))([real, imag])
x = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(
    lambda v: tf.signal.inverse_stft(
like image 41
zombiecalypse Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 22:10


Just to add more to what's going on above for anyone who gets here from search engines. The following, contributed in this google group discussion, will run rfft then ifft with convolutions and other layers in between:

inputs = Input(shape=(10, 8), name='main_input')
x = Lambda(lambda v: tf.to_float(tf.spectral.rfft(v)))(inputs)
x = Conv1D(filters=5, kernel_size=3, activation='relu', padding='same')(x)
x = Lambda(lambda v: tf.to_float(tf.spectral.irfft(tf.cast(v, dtype=tf.complex64))))(x)
x = Flatten()(x)
output = Dense(1)(x)
model = Model(inputs, output)

It uses the same concepts as Allen's answer but the slight differences allow compatibility with intermediate convolutions.

like image 20
Ezekiel Kruglick Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 00:10

Ezekiel Kruglick