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Can we update messages in AWS SQS FIFO Queue?

We can send/receive messages to/from AWS SQS Queue, But Can we update message content which is already in SQS Queue ? If possible , How ?

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Arun Kumar Avatar asked Jan 05 '18 07:01

Arun Kumar

People also ask

Can we update SQS message?

To edit an Amazon SQS queue (console)Open the Queues page of the Amazon SQS console. Select a queue, and then choose Edit. (Optional) Under Configuration, update the queue's configuration parameters. (Optional) To update the access policy, under Access policy, modify the JSON policy.

How does the AWS FIFO SQS queue send messages only once without any duplicates?

Unlike standard queues, FIFO queues don't introduce duplicate messages. FIFO queues help you avoid sending duplicates to a queue. If you retry the SendMessage action within the 5-minute deduplication interval, Amazon SQS doesn't introduce any duplicates into the queue.

Can you convert SQS queue to FIFO?

You can't convert an existing standard queue into a FIFO queue. To make the move, you must either create a new FIFO queue for your application or delete your existing standard queue and recreate it as a FIFO queue.

How we can send more than 256kb message in SQS?

To send messages larger than 256 KB, you can use the Amazon SQS Extended Client Library for Java . This library allows you to send an Amazon SQS message that contains a reference to a message payload in Amazon S3. The maximum payload size is 2 GB. The default visibility timeout for a message is 30 seconds.

1 Answers

Once a message has been sent to an SQS queue (standard or FIFO), the message is immutable. Additionally, it isn't possible to ask SQS for a specific message by its ID.

The message is essentially inaccessible until received by a consumer.

(Viewing messages in the AWS console might seem to be an exception, but it isn't -- the console acts as a consumer, receives messages, and then resets their visibility timeout so they return to the queue for subsequent redelivery.)

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Michael - sqlbot Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10

Michael - sqlbot